Now showing items 21-30 of 276
Mathematical modelling for copper and lead adsorption on coffee grounds
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
Research studies on the adsorption kinetics are conducted in order to determine the absorption time of heavy metals on coffee grounds from liquid. The models of adsorption kinetics and adsorption diffusion are based on ...
Assessment of heavy metals bioconcentration factor (BCF) and genotoxicity response induced by metal mixture in Salmo salar tissues
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
The aim of this study was to evaluate metals bioconcentration factor (BCF) in gills, liver, kidneys and muscle in relation with genotoxicity effects of metal mixture in peripheral blood, kidneys, gills and liver erythrocytes ...
Assessment of marine geoid models by ship-borne GNSS profiles
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
The Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC) is introducing the Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 (BSCD2000) as new common height reference system for hydrographic surveying and nautical charts from 2020. The BSCD2000 will be ...
Final results of the development of the National Vertical Second Order Network (Lithuania)
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
2008 m. baigtas sudaryti Lietuvos valstybinis geodezinis vertikalusis pirmosios klasės tinklas, leidęs priimti naują Lietuvos aukščių sistemą LAS07 ir sukurti šiuolaikinius reikalavimus atitinkantį geodezinį aukščių pagrindą. ...
Comparative geostatistical analysis of urban brownfields in Vilnius and Liverpool cities
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
A city as a space where interacts socioeconomical, ecological and urban processes meets with complex challenges that are caused by efforts to preserve urban contextuality and by threat of abandoned sites that are calling ...
Calculation of the probability integral indicator of the level of air pollution
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
This article describes the method for calculation of probability integral indicator of the level of air pollution. The calculation is based on information on easily identifiable meteorological parameters by using neural ...
The impact of landslides on local infrastructure and the environment
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
Landslides are environmental processes that lead to natural disasters or technical failures, the effects of which usually threaten the life, health and property of people. In the classification of natural disasters and ...
Nitrogen compunds in the surface water identifying concentrations and sources
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
The main objective of the surface water monitoring – periodically to conduct water quality testing, to find out the possible sources of pollution in time and to warn population. Water samples for analysis of surface water ...
Experimental research of biogas yield and quality produced from chicken manure
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
Biogas is a fuel, which can be produced from a renewable energy source – biomass. Such a gas can be freely used in small farms or food industry to produce heat or electricity. Two main components of biogas – metahne CH4 ...
Modelling of piezoelectric transducers for environmental monitoring
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Physical factors (noise, vibration, electromagnetic ...