Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • A systems approach for improvement of innovation development in creative industries 

      Strazdas, Rolandas; Černevičiūtė, Jūratė (Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE-2015), Co-hosted by The University of KwaZulu Natal and the Ethekwini Municipality. Durban, South Africa, 19-20 March 2015, 2015)
      The increasing significance of innovation has resulted in the focusing of a considerable amount of attention and resources on innovation development. The process of innovation development is becoming much more sophisticated. ...
    • Do competencies of entrepreneurs and managers influence internationalization processess? Investigation of Lithuanian SMEs 

      Korsakienė, Renata; Diskienė, Danuta (ECIE 2015 : proceedings of the 10th European conference on innovation and entrepreneurchip, the university of Genoa, Italy, 17-18 September, 2015, 2015)
      Meanwhile, ability to plan and organize work, ability to coordinate implementation of various tasks and supervise own and other work and ability to convince and motivate people are perceived as the most important by ...
    • On linking social media, learning styles, and Augmented Reality in education 

      Kurilov, Jevgenij; Kurilova, Julija; Dvareckienė, Viktorija (ECSM 2017 : Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Social Media. Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 3-4 July 2017, 2017)
      The paper is aimed to present an original method of identifying students preferring to actively use social media in Augmented Reality (AR) based learning environments. The method is aimed to personalise learning by applying ...
    • On using learning analytics to personalise learning in virtual learning environments 

      Mamčenko, Jelena; Kurilov, Jevgenij (ECEL 2017. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on e-Learning, hosted by ISCAP Polytechnic of Porto Portugal, 26-27 October 2017, 2017)
      The paper aims to analyse application of learning analytics (LA) to support learning personalisation in virtual learning environments, namely Moodle. In the paper, first of all, literature review was performed on LA methods ...
    • Personality traits of managers and success of firms: a case of Lithuanian SMEs 

      Korsakienė, Renata; Diskienė, Danuta (ECMLG 2015 : proceedings of the 11th European conference on Management Leadership and Governance, Military academy, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-13 November, 2015, 2015)
      SMEs are confronted with various problems impacting their performance. Limited resources are seen as the most significant issue, restricting activities and growth of small firms. A number of scientific investigations have ...
    • Value co-creation ecosystem for decentralized business models 

      Skaržauskienė, Aelita; Mačiulienė, Monika; Bar, Daniel; Ramašauskaitė, Ornela (ECIE 2019: Proceedings of the 14th European conference on innovation and entrepreneurship, 19-20 September, 2019, Kalamata, Greece / edited by Panagiotis Liargovas, Alexandros Kakouris, 2019)