Browsing by Study direction "J09 - Informacijos paslaugos / Information services"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Big data application for traffic estimation on a website: Big daddy case
(17th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference, Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, 2nd of December, 2022 : reviewed selected papers, 2023)While living under rapidly changing conditions innovation, flexibility and readiness to change are grounding prosperity of the firm. But any changes for companies should be reasoned and made on the basis of analytical ... -
Core elements affecting sharing evidence from the European Union
(Sustainability: Special issue: ICT adoption for sustainability, 2022)Sharing activities are receiving greater attention due to increasing popularity in recent years. This article focuses on how the use of digital sharing platforms by customers to share products and services helps to increase ... -
Development of smart context-aware services for cargo transportation. An operational management approach
(2022)With a focus on cargo transportation, this book addresses the development of approaches intended to secure an infrastructure of smart services to support the adaptive implementation of online multi-modal freight transport ... -
Digitalisation as the indicator of the evidence of sustainability in the European Union
(Sustainability, 2022)Digitalisation provides access to an integrated network of information that can benefit society and businesses. However, the evidence of sustainability in business is less researched. In our paper, by building up the ... -
Ensuring sustainable freight carriage through interoperability between maritime and rail transport
(Sustainability: Special issue: Road traffic engineering and sustainable transportation - the second edition, 2021)With increasing freight flows and their carriage, sustainability in the transport sector is one of today’s key challenges. With expanding geographical coverage of consumers, manufacturers and all participants in the logistics ... -
Indoor electronic traveling aids for visually impaired: Systemic review
(CSCI 2019: 6th Annual Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, 5-7 December 2019, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2019)Visually impaired persons need electronic traveling aids (ETA) for detection and recognition of obstacles, and navigation to desired destinations not only in outdoor but also in the indoor environments as well. Without ... -
Inovatyvių priemonių taikymo galimybės ekologinių ūkių plėtrai
(25-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija "Ekonomika ir vadyba", 2022 m. spalio 13 d. Vilnius = Proceedings of the 25th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ "Economics and management", 13 October 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį rinkoje akivaizdžiai didėja vartotojų susidomėjimas ekologiniais žemės ūkio produktais. Šiame moksliniame tyrime nagrinėjamos ekologinių ūkių vystymo galimybės, perspektyvos ir taikomos inovatyvios ... -
Integration of context awareness in smart service provision system based on wireless sensor networks for sustainable cargo transportation
(Sensors: Special Issue Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in Autonomous Vehicles, 2021)Smart service provision systems can assist in the management of cargo transportation. The development of these systems faces a number of issues that relate to the analysis of numerous factors, which are influenced by the ... -
Rektorius R. Kliukas: „Pagrindinis VILNIUS TECH sėkmės veiksnys yra žmonės“
(Sapere Aude, 2021)„Džiaugiuosi savo gyvenime sutiktais žmonėmis, kolegomis. Iš vienų išmokau profesinio meistriškumo, iš kitų – žmogiško, paprasto bendravimo, iš trečių – nepailstamo darbštumo ir atlaidumo kitiems“, – paklaustas apie šio ... -
Structure of context recognition in computer-based systems for transportation management
(Development of smart context-aware services for cargo transportation: an operational management approach / editors: Dalė Dzemydienė, Aurelija Burinskienė, Kristina Čižiūnienė, Arūnas Miliauskas, 2022)The process of context recognition in dynamically changing transportation processes is quite complex. The complexity arises from many aspects of understanding the concept of “context”. When developing computer-based systems, ...