Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Aesthetics in adult animation: animated documentary 

      Mitkus, Tomas (CONFIA 2021: 9th international conference on illustration and animation, October 28-29, Aveiro, Portugal, 2021)
      The popularity of animation among documentarians has grown steadily over the past decade. Unfortunately, the use of animation is not always successful or even necessary to tell a nonfictional story. This paper aims to ...
    • Animacinė dokumentika: objektyvi tiesa subjektyviu vaizdu 

      Mitkus, Tomas; Nedzinskaitė-Mitkė, Vaida (Protagonistas: Žiema 2021, 2021)
      Sužinojus, kad po trumpos pertraukos „Protagonistas“ vėl bus leidžiamas, iš karto kilo daugybė minčių, apie ką galima būtų rašyti. Nors COVID-19 viruso sukelta globali pandemija iš tiesų labai stipriai sudrebino populiariosios ...
    • Anime: an approach to erotica and violence in animation for adults 

      Mitkus, Tomas (CONFIA 2021: 9th international conference on illustration and animation, October 28-29, Aveiro, Portugal, 2021)
      This article explores how anime approaches aesthetics and storytelling and why adult audiences (especially in the Western hemisphere) considers this animation segment more attractive for adult viewers. In other words, why ...
    • Aspects of creativity in adult animation: an overview of censorship and self-censorship in Western countries 

      Mitkus, Tomas (Creativity studies, 2023)
      Today, adult animation is the fastest growing segment in the industry. However, adult animation is also the least researched topic in animation field. In this article, the author explores what key elements hinder the growth ...
    • Naratyvas fikcijoje: struktūra, metodai ir principai 

      Mitkus, Tomas; Nedzinskaitė-Mitkė, Vaida (2022)
      Šio vadovėlio tikslas – supažindinti pradedančius scenarijaus autorius su teorija apie pagrindinius fikcinio naratyvo principus, struktūrą, dizaino sprendimus bei pristatyti svarbiausias scenarijaus formatavimo taisykles. ...
    • Practice diary for animation: a reflective tool for the practitioner, researcher, and educator 

      Mitkus, Tomas (CONFIA 2023: 10th International Conference on Illustration & Animation, July 6-7, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 2023)
      This article examines the experience and outcomes of conducted research project that employs autoethnographic action research methodology and uses a practice diary as a key method to gather data. Practice diary, as a ...