Now showing items 1-20 of 30

    • Angelė Kaulakienė – terminologė ir pedagogė 

      Vladarskienė, Rasuolė (Angelė Kaulakienė : bibliografinė rodyklė, 2015)
    • Clustering in key G-7 stock market indices: an innovative approach 

      Peker, Sinem; Aktan, Bora; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Marketing and management of innovations = Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 2017)
      Investment in stock market requires taking risk. Investors typically buy several stocks to create a portfolio which targets to maximize the return while keeping a certain level of risk. In today’s information-rich financial ...
    • Clusters’ role in globalization 

      Razminienė, Kristina; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Contemporary issues in business, management and education’2017: 5th international scientific conference, 11-12 May 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University : conference proceedings, 2017)
      The purpose of this study is to review globalization literature and cluster literature to see how these two phenomena are understood, which perspective scholars refer to when analysing globalization and clusters, how can ...
    • Darbo produktyvumą lemiančių veiksnių poveikio vertinimas globalizacijos kontekste 

      Mačiulytė-Šniukienė, Alma (2015)
      Disertacijoje vertinamas tiesioginės įtakos veiksnių poveikis Europos Sąjungos šalių darbo produktyvumui globalizacijos kontekste. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas yra Europos Sąjungos šalių, suskirstytų į klasterius pagal darbo ...
    • Does firm’s higher innovation potential lead to its superior financial performance? Case of CEE countries 

      Bistrova, Julia; Lace, Natalja; Tamošiūnienė, Rima; Kozlovskis, Konstantins (Technological and economic development of economy, 2017)
      Innovation is one of the most commonly used word in the business and academic world. Naturally the firms are willing to innovate to leverage on future profits and growth generated by the new products and supported by ...
    • Editorial 

      Raudeliūnienė, Jurgita; Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva (International journal of learning and change. Special issue on knowledge management: theory and practice in SMEs, 2016)
      The aim of this special issue is to analyse the current situation of knowledge management theory and practice appliance processes peculiarities as a result of new factors that characterise the current global economic ...
    • Factors impacting the commercial potential of technologies: expert approach 

      Zemlickienė, Vaida; Mačiulis, Alminas; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Technological and economic development of economy, 2017)
      In order to ensure the harmonious activity of the institutions engaged in R&D and to reduce the uncertainty of the commercialization of technologies, an advanced tool for verifying decisions on technology development at ...
    • Fiscal decentralization in Central and Eastern Europe 

      Slavinskaitė, Neringa (Global journal of business, economics and management, 2017)
      The paper analyses the level of fiscal decentralization (FD) in selected countries of European Union for 2014 year. The empirical analysis was based on the method of multicriteria decision-making. Method of Simple Additive ...
    • Galios arogancija ir neoliberali universitetų kontrolė 

      Samalavičius, Almantas Liudas; Connel, Raewyn (Kultūros barai, 2017)
      Raewyn Connell yra viena iškiliausių Australijos socialinių mokslininkių, atlikusi nemažai reikšmingų sociologijos, politikos mokslų, edukologijos tyrimų. Tarptautiniu mastu žinomi jos veikalai „Lytis: pasaulinė perspektyva“ ...
    • Gelžbetoninių balkonų defektų analizė ir atnaujinimo galimybės 

      Meliūkštytė, Barbora
      Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojamos gelžbetoninių balkonų konstrukcijų defektų atsiradimo priežastys bei konstrukcijų atnaujinimo galimybės. Darbą sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, išvados ir pasiūlymai. Pirmame baigiamojo ...
    • High-low strategy of portfolio composition using Evolino RNN ensembles 

      Stankevičienė, Jelena; Maknickienė, Nijolė; Maknickas, Algirdas (Inžinerinė ekonomika = Engineering economics, 2017)
      Strategy of investment is important tool enabling better investor’s decisions in uncertain finance market. Rules of portfolio selection help investors balance accepting some risk for the expectation of higher returns. The ...
    • If clustering impacts energy security: case of service sector in selected countries 

      Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Contemporary issues in business, management and education’2017: 5th international scientific conference, 11-12 May 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University : conference proceedings, 2017)
      In the presented paper specific aspects of clusters’ role in energy security enhancement are being discussed. An assumption of role of clusters as driving force of smart growth with respective effect on service sector ...
    • Influence of finansing policy to company's value 

      Žaptorius, Jonas (International journal of emerging research in management & technology, 2017)
      In this article it is shown that even in the case of constant leverage the cost of equity and the WACC can vary over time. Constant cost of equity and WACC only apply, if further assumptions are made. A corollary of this ...
    • Innovative development and cohesion processes in the cultural and economic space of the European Union 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Economics and culture = Ekonomika un kultūra, 2013)
      The author describes and formulates the main principles of cohesion, their role and significance. The priorities of the creation of knowledge-based society ami knowledge economy, as well as of innovative development and ...
    • Įsimintiniausi universiteto dešimtmečio įvykiai 

      Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė, Živilė (Sapere Aude, 2016)
      Three years ago, in order to meet the specific needs of our market, we started to train the specialists of Entertainment Industry and the Bachelors of Communications. Last year, we have also started another unique in Europe ...
    • Modelling knowledge synergy evaluation 

      Skačkauskienė, Ilona; Kazlauskienė, Eglė; Katinienė, Aušra (Montenegrin journal of economics, 2017)
      Although nowadays knowledge is considered one of the main resources in organisations to create competitive advantage, there is a lack of research dedicated to the subject of knowledge and in particular knowledge synergy. ...
    • Modelling of institutional changes in transition countries - the gap between the theory and practice 

      Draskovic, Veselin; Popov, Evgeny; Peleckis, Kęstutis (Montenegrin journal of economics, 2017)
      The first part discusses the consequences of the deficit of real institutional changes in post-socialist SEE countries, and their substitutions by the various anti-developmental institutional imitations, which essentially ...
    • Modelling of international transfer of good practices of innovation management under conditions of European integration 

      Peyravi, Bahman (2017)
      This dissertation analyses the innovation needs of candidate and possible candidate countries of European Union, as well as the good practices and progressive experience of Central-East European countries in order to ...
    • Overconfidence, risk aversion and individual financial decisions in experimental asset markets 

      Michailova, Julija; Mačiulis, Alminas; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Economic research = Ekonomska istraživanja, 2017)
      Prior experiments revealed that investors’ overconfidence can result in excessive trade and negative wealth effects. However, in most of these studies, informational asymmetries were part of the experimental design, and ...