Now showing items 1-20 of 51

    • Algae-based CO2 capture in cold and humid climate countries 

      Raslavičius, Laurencas; Felneris, Mantas (Bioenergy: prospects, applications and future directions / editor: Joanne Castillo, 2018)
      Worldwide business sector for biodiesel is balanced for unstable development in the following ten years. Advanced and mature technologies for alternative fuels' production must be brought to the energy market getting ...
    • Application of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Yeast in Biofuel Cells 

      Rožėnė, Justė (2022)
      With the rapid growth of research into the performance and applicability of biofuel cells, a remaining crucial factor is ensuring their efficiency and increasing the current output and power relative to the fuel cell area. ...
    • Atmosferinio slėgio šaltojo garo variklis ir jo veikimo būdas 

      Rotmanas, Algimantas (2019)
      Patentuotas atmosferinio slėgio šaltojo garo variklis, skirtas generuoti mechaninę energiją, pasitelkus atmosferos slėgį ir aplinkos šiluminę energiją ar gamybos procesuose išmetamą perteklinę neaukštos temperatūros šiluminę ...
    • Biodujų valymo efektyvumo, taikant skirtingas mikrodumblių suspensijas, tyrimai 

      Jackevičiūtė, Inga; Zagorskis, Alvydas (21-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija "Aplinkos apsaugos inžinerija", 2018 m. kovo 20 d. Vilnius = Proceedings of the 21th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ "Environmental protection engineering", 20 March 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018)
      Iš atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių galima išgauti energiją, kuri vėliau gali būti panaudota elektros ar šilumos energijos gamybai. Lietuvoje ir visame pasaulyje vis labiau auganti pramonė ir medžiagų, iškasenų suvartojimas ...
    • Biofuel production from colourless alga: energy balance and thermal characterization 

      Raslavičius, Laurencas; Felneris, Mantas (8th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, 11 - 13 June 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2018)
      The worldwide business sector for biodiesel is balanced for unstable development in the following ten years. Advanced and mature technologies for alternative fuels production must be brought to the energy market getting ...
    • Biogas production from anaerobic digestion of macroalgae and cattle manure 

      Dauknys, Regimantas; Zagorskis, Alvydas; Burko, Vadim (Innovative (eco-)technology, entrepreneurship and regional development (IECOTERD): 8th international conference, 11 October, 2022 : e-book of abstracts, 2022)
    • Changes in building energy certification (Lithuania)-biomass rehabilitation 

      Valančius, Kęstutis (Advancements in civil engineering & technology, 2022)
      In the last few years, the areas of energy regulation, certification and implementation of solutions in Lithuania (LT) have undergone significant, if not drastic, changes in the field of energy regulation, certification ...
    • Circular supply chain: Literature review and theoretical framework 

      Radavičius, Tadas; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (International scientific conference "Contemporary issues in business, management and economics engineering 2021, 13–14 May 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2021)
      Purpose – to review literature about circular supply chain (CSC) theories, methods, frameworks, and appli-cations in industries. For organizations to incorporate circular economy (CE) principles in their supply chain ...
    • Competition between direct detection mechanisms in planar bow-tie microwave diodes on the base of InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures 

      Sužiedėlis, Algirdas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Gradauskas, Jonas; Čerškus, Aurimas; Požela, Karolis; Anbinderis, Maksimas (Sensors: Special issue: Feature papers in physical sensors 2022, 2023)
      The application of the unique properties of terahertz radiation is increasingly needed in sensors, especially in those operating at room temperature without an external bias voltage. Bow-tie microwave diodes on the base ...
    • Detection of 9.5 μm CO2 laser pulses in indium doped PbTe p-n junction 

      Gradauskas, Jonas; Dzundza, Bohdan; Chernyak, Leonid; Dashevsky, Zinovy (Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 2021)
      A unique feature of the PbTe semiconductor is the growth of its forbidden energy gap with increasing temperature. This allows saving diode-typical characteristics at temperatures up to 180 K. PbTe p-n diodes were fabricated ...
    • Direct hot carrier impact on the operation of a solar cell 

      Gradauskas, Jonas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Masalskyi, Oleksandr; Sužiedėlis, Algirdas (AIP publishing horizons – Applied physis reviews – Energy storage and conversion, 4-6 August 2021 : virtual conference, 2022)
    • Direct impact of hot carriers on the operation of a p-n junction solar cell 

      Masalskyi, Oleksandr; Gradauskas, Jonas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Sužiedėlis, Algirdas; Šilėnas, Aldis; Čerškus, Aurimas; Rodin, Aleksej; Zharchenko, Ihor (44-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, 2021 m. spalio 6-8 d., Vilnius : programa ir pranešimų tezės: Lietuvos mokslo premijos laureatai. Pasaulio lietuvių mokslo premijos laureatai. Žymūs Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkai. Speciali sesija „Fizika ir aukštųjų technologijų pramonė", 2022)
    • Efficient decision making for sustainable energy using single-valued neutrosophic prioritized interactive aggregation operators 

      Riaz, Muhammad; Athar Farid, Hafiz Muhammad; Antuchevičienė, Jurgita; Demir, Gülay (Mathematics: Special issue: Dynamics under uncertainty: Modeling simulation and complexity II, 2023)
      To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve the environment, and reduce dependency on fossil fuels, the transition from fossil energy to renewable energy is deemed essential. Several companies around the globe, especially ...
    • Flyback mikroinverterio, sudaryto iš dviejų raktų, modelio Matlab Simulink aplinkoje sudarymas ir tyrimas 

      Bielskis, Edvardas; Šapurov, Martynas; Valiulis, Gediminas; Balbonas, Dainius (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis: Elektronika ir elektros inžinerija - 2018 = Science – future of Lithuania: Electronics and electrical engineering - 2018, 2018)
      Darbe pateikti siūlomo flyback tipo mikroinverterio, sudaryto iš dviejų raktų, modeliavimo rezultatai Matlab Simulink aplinkoje. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti siūlomo flyback mikroinverterio modelio veikimą virtualioje Matlab ...
    • Hidraulinių smūgių analizė slėginiuose nuotekų tinkluose 

      Nevdach, Aleksandr; Rimeika, Mindaugas (Aplinkos apsaugos inžinerija : 24-iosios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ straipsnių rinkinys, 2021 m. kovo 19 d. = Environmental protection engineering : proceedings of the 24th conference for junior researchers "Science – future of Lithuania", 19 March 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2021)
      Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamas hidraulinio smūgio susidarymas, jo atsiradimo priežastys, apžvelgiami hidraulinių smūgių sumažinimo būdai. Straipsnyje pateikiami hidraulinio smūgio teoriniai pagrindai ir skaičiavimo metodika. ...
    • Hot carrier evidence in a solar cell 

      Gradauskas, Jonas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Sužiedėlis, Algirdas; Šilėnas, Aldis; Čerškus, Aurimas; Vaičikauskas, Viktoras; Žalys, Ovidijus Alfonsas; Masalskyi, Oleksandr (EU PVSEC: Proceedings of the international conference 37th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 7-11 September 2020, 2020)
      According to the Shockley-Queisser theory, only photons with energy h close to a semiconductor forbidden energy gap Eg are used effectively for electrical power generation. Lower energy photons are assumed as not absorbed ...
    • Hot carrier photocurrent through MOS structure 

      Gradauskas, Jonas; Ašmontas, Steponas (Applied sciences, 2021)
      Flow of photocurrent through the metal-oxide-semiconductor structure induced by the pulsed infrared CO2 laser is investigated experimentally. In the case of a perfect insulator, the photocurrent has a photocapacitive ...
    • Hot carriers in a single junction solar cell 

      Masalskyi, Oleksandr; Gradauskas, Jonas (DOC 2021: 17th international young scientist conference "Developments in optics and communications 2021", [April 15-16]: abstract book, 2021)
    • Hot carriers in photoresponse formation across GaAs P-N junction 

      Masalskyi, Oleksandr; Gradauskas, Jonas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Sužiedėlis, Algirdas; Šilėnas, Aldis; Čerškus, Aurimas; Zharchenko, Ihor (Open readings 2022 : 65th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences, March 15-18, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania : abstract book, 2022)
    • Indirect measurement of electron energy relaxation time at room temperature in two-dimensional heterostructured semiconductors 

      Sužiedėlis, Algirdas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Gradauskas, Jonas; Čerškus, Aurimas; Anbinderis, Maksimas (Materials, 2022)
      Hot carriers are a critical issue in modern photovoltaics and miniaturized electronics. We present a study of hot electron energy relaxation in different two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) structures and compare the ...