• Circular composite beams with different concrete core 

      Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras; Šaučiuvėnas, Gintas; Komka, Arūnas; Jarmolajeva, Ela (EUROSTEEL 2014: 7th European conferece on steel and composite structures, September 10-12, 2014, Naples, Italy : abstracts book, 2014)
    • Composite members of annular cross-sections 

      Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras; Kudzys, Antanas (Eurosteel 2008 : 5th European conference on steel and composite structures: research - practice - new materials : 3rd to 5th September 2008 Graz, Austria : proceedings / Graz University of Technology (Austria), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), 2008)
    • Composite members of annular cross-sections : prediction of structural compression resistance and reliability 

      Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras; Kudzys, Antanas (Eurosteel 2008 : proceedings of the 5th European conference on Steel and Composite Structures, 3-5 September 2008, Graz, Austria, Vol. A, 2008)
    • Crack resistence of welds of various types 

      Krenevičius, Algimantas; Leonavičius, Mindaugas Kazimieras; Stonkus, Rimantas (Eurosteel 2008 : 5th European conference on steel and composite structures: research - practice - new materials : 3rd to 5th September 2008 Graz, Austria : proceedings / Graz University of Technology (Austria), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), 2008)
    • Design of tubular composite compression members : partial and full assisting by testing 

      Kudzys, Antanas; Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras; Lukoševičienė, Ona; Šapalas, Antanas (EUROSTEEL 2011 : 6th European conference on steel and composite structures: research - design - construction. August 31 - September 2, 2011, Budapest, Hungary : proceedings / Budapest University of Technology and Economic, University of Pécs, University of Miskolc, 2011)
    • Investigation of cold formed steel connections : experimental and numerical analysis of beam to column gusset plate connections 

      Bučmys, Žilvinas; Daniūnas, Alfonsas; Rasiulis, Konstantin (EUROSTEEL 2014: 7th European conferece on steel and composite structures, September 10-12, 2014, Naples, Italy : abstracts book, 2014)
    • Load-carrying capacity of 5000 m3 overground vertical tank with local imperfections on wall 

      Rasiulis, Konstantin; Šaučiuvėnas, Gintas (EUROSTEEL 2011 : 6th European conference on steel and composite structures: research - design - construction. August 31 - September 2, 2011, Budapest, Hungary : proceedings / Budapest University of Technology and Economic, University of Pécs, University of Miskolc, 2011)
    • New test data, production and testing technologies of composite concrete-filled steel tubes 

      Kuranovas, Artiomas; Šaučiuvėnas, Gintas; Zabulionis, Darius (Eurosteel 2008 : 5th European conference on steel and composite structures: research - practice - new materials : 3rd to 5th September 2008 Graz, Austria : proceedings / Graz University of Technology (Austria), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), 2008)
    • Resistance of welded joints to high cycle loading 

      Kliukas, Romualdas; Leonavičius, Mindaugas Kazimieras; Petraitis, Gediminas; Stonkus, Rimantas (EUROSTEEL 2014: 7th European conferece on steel and composite structures, September 10-12, 2014, Naples, Italy : abstracts book, 2014)
    • Structural safety prediction of steel systems 

      Lukoševičienė, Ona; Kudzys, Antanas (EUROSTEEL 2014: 7th European conferece on steel and composite structures, September 10-12, 2014, Naples, Italy : abstracts book, 2014)
      Eurocodes and ISO standards are based on the limit state concepts and on the design methods of partial safety and the load and resistance factors. These standards and JCSS directions require that structural systems and ...
    • The fatigue and mechanical properties of steel 

      Kliukas, Romualdas; Leonavičius, Mindaugas Kazimieras; Stupak, Stanislav (Eurosteel 2008 : 5th European conference on steel and composite structures: research - practice - new materials : 3rd to 5th September 2008 Graz, Austria : proceedings / Graz University of Technology (Austria), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), 2008)