• Quality of Lithuanian national gravimetric network 

      Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras; Petroškevičius, Petras (Harita dergisi : proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, 2007)
      In 1994 the absolute gravity measurements were carried out by J. Mäkinen (Finish Geodetic Institute) at three stations of Lithuania. Measurements were performed by ballistic gravimeter JILAg-5. Absolute gravity measurements ...
    • Realization of the vertical datum and height system of Lithuania 

      Krikštaponis, Boleslovas; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras; Petroškevičius, Petras; Putrimas, Raimundas; Zakarevičius, Algimantas (Harita dergisi : proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, 2007)
      The vertical datum and height system adoption is crucial in development of national geodetic reference. The gravity and height systems should be related with the geocentric geodetic coordinate system. In Lithuania such a ...