Browsing by Study direction "A01 - Matematika / Mathematics"
Dabar rodomi įrašai 1-16 iš 16
A method for accelerated computation of the Riemann zeta function on the complex plane
(Publicationes mathematicae Debrecen, 2022)The paper extends the study of efficient algorithms for the computation of the Riemann zeta function on the complex plane. It is dedicated to numerical aspects of the implementation of the algorithm. Since the straightforward ... -
Additive splitting methods for parallel solutions of evolution problems
(Journal of computational physics, 2021)We demonstrate how a multiplicative splitting method of order $P$ can be utilized to construct an additive splitting method of order $P+3$. The weight coefficients of the additive method depend only on $P$, which must be ... -
An integration of customer value and customer relationship in urban centres and peripheries: Research implications for business practice and business studies
(Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues: Special Issue, 2020)The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of customer values in building customer relationships with regard to the urban factor. This paper seeks to empirically explain how the urban factor affects customer ... -
Centrinė ribinė teorema trikampių masyvų klasės skaičiams, asocijuotiems su Ermito daugianariais
(Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Serija B, 2020)Straipsnyje yra tęsiamas ribinių teoremų trikampių masyvų klasės skaičiams tyrimas. Yra išvedamos skaičių, asocijuotų su Ermito daugianariais, pusiau eksponentinės generuojančios funkcijos, bei pačių skaičių analizinės ... -
Challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic to the process of distance learning: Comparison of experience of the world and Lithuanian high education institutions
(Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education : 14-16 October : Prague - Czech Republic, 2022)The worldwide high education system of the 21st century experiences a series of different challenges, the assurance of a quality distance learning process probably being the major of them all. An application of distance ... -
Comparative assessment of the stability of AHP and FAHP methods
(Symmetry, 2021)Mathematical models describing physical, technical, economic, and other processes can be used to analyze these processes and predict their results, providing that these models are stable and their results are stable relative ... -
Decision tree and AHP methods application for projects assessment: a case study
(Sustainability: Special issue: Sustainable construction engineering and management, 2021)This research is dedicated to the modelling of decision process occurring during the implementation of construction projects. Recent studies generally do not assess the robustness of the decisions regarding the possible ... -
European countries ranking and clustering solution by children’s physical activity and human development index using entropy-based methods
(Mathematics: Mathematical Modeling of Socio-Economic Systems, 2020)The aim of the present study is to propose a new approach for evaluating and comparing European countries using indicators of the children physical activity and the human development index. The Global Matrix 3.0 on physical ... -
Existence of nonstationary Poiseuille type solutions under minimal regularity assumptions
(Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) = Journal of applied mathematics and physics = Journal de Mathématiques et de Physique, 2020)Existence and uniqueness of a solution to the nonstationary Navier–Stokes equations having a prescribed flow rate (flux) in the infinite cylinder Π={x=(x′,xn)∈Rn:x′∈σ⊂Rn−1,−∞<xn<∞,n=2,3} are proved. It is assumed that the ... -
Impact of the electron velocity overshoot to the performance of photoconductive THz antenna
(23rd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), 5-8 October, 2020, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, 2020)The comparison of two full-wave models of photo-conductive terahertz antenna is performed. One model solves simple approximation of drift-diffusion equations another uses Monte Carlo simulation for estimation of the ... -
Investigation of factors that have affected the outcomes of road traffic accidents on Lithuanian roads
(The Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering, 2020)The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possibility for predicting the outcome of a road traffic accident concerning the traffic environment, personal traits of the traffic participant and the vehicle, i.e. aiming to ... -
Kriptovaliutų kainų analizė ir prognozė
Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojama kriptografinių valiutų kainų grąža ir volatilumas. Remiantis teorine analize apibendrinti kriptovaliutų kainų ir kitų rodiklių sąryšių tyrimai, išryškinti kriptovaliutų kainų laiko ... -
Matematinis boliuso paviršiaus modelis elektronų srautų radioterapijoje
Šiame baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas boliuso paviršiaus sudarymo uždavinys elektronų srautų radioterapijoje. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – nustatyti tokį boliuso paviršiaus modelį, kuris užtikrintų kritinių kūno ... -
Mathematical modelling and hybrid strategies for risk and uncertainty management
(2022)Risk management is a decision-making process that takes into consideration political, social, economic and engineering factors, with relevant risk assessments relating to a potential hazard. Mathematics uses reasoned ... -
On construction of partially dimension-reduced approximations for nonstationary nonlocal problems of a parabolic type
(Mathematics: Special issue: "Nonlinear partial differential equations: exact solutions, symmetries, methods, and applications II", 2023)The main aim of this article is to propose an adaptive method to solve multidimensional parabolic problems with fractional power elliptic operators. The adaptivity technique is based on a very efficient method when the ...