Browsing by Study direction "L01 - Verslas / Business studies"
Dabar rodomi įrašai 1-20 iš 85
A thoughtful insight on women entrepreneur’s investment attitude
(Economics, 2021)This study endeavors to be cognizant of the investment paradigm of women entrepreneurs and reveal their ambitions, professionalism, and desire to form a robust framework in the context of economic development. These ... -
Actual issues of modern development of socio-economic systems in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic
(2021)The entire world community, since 2019, affected by the global pandemic COVID-19. The pandemic caused by this virus, led not only to significant human losses worldwide, but also imposed significant restrictions on the ... -
„Agile“ darbo metodų įtaka darbuotojų pritraukimui Lietuvos verslo paslaugų ir informacinių ir ryšių technologijų sektoriaus įmonėse
(2023)Tęsiantis didžiajam atsistatydinimui, geriausių talentų įdarbinimas ir išlaikymas tampa iššūkiu, o žmogiškasis kapitalas yra organizacijos sėkmės pagrindas. Dideliu iššūkiu įmonėms tampa naujų ir kūrybiškų būdų, kaip ... -
An exploratory study on the revision of sharing models
(Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)As the world enters the era of sharing, the countries of the European Union are prioritizing the application of sharing models as an area of the circular economy. In the article, the authors analyze the three models of the ... -
Apleistų teritorijų atnaujinimas vystant naujus nekilnojamojo turto projektus
(2022)Miesto teritorijų plėtrą lydi ekonomikos, technologijų ir statybos plėtra. Tai leidžia ne tik vystyti naujus nekilnojamojo turto projektus, bet ir renovuoti jau esamus užimtus miesto teritorijų plotus. Norint atgaivinti ... -
Application of multichannel access and customer journey map in the context of innovative business projects
(Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2021)The rapid spread of financial technologies was significantly affected by the 2008 economic crisis. During the crisis, people's confidence in banking was severely weakened. The decisions taken by the banks were blamed for ... -
Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the service sector in Lithuania
(Economics and culture, 2022)Research purpose. This study aims to assess the impact of selected economic indicators (independent variables) on the turnover of food and beverage service companies in Lithuania. Design / Methodology / Approach. In order ... -
Attaining standardization in Islamic banking institutions in Pakistan: analysis on Ijarah financing
(Journal of risk and financial management: Special issue: Business performance, 2022)This paper aims to explore the practices of Ijarah financing by Islamic banks in Pakistan pertaining to compliance with the AAOIFI Shariah Standard (9) on Ijarah financing. Primary data were gathered from the respondents ... -
Biotechnologijų sektoriaus vertinimas ir vadybos sistemų tobulinimas
(25-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija "Ekonomika ir vadyba", 2022 m. spalio 13 d. Vilnius = Proceedings of the 25th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ "Economics and management", 13 October 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)Biotechnologijų sektorius tapo neatsiejama modernaus pasaulio dalimi. Gyvaisiais organizmais pagrįstas mokslas ir technologijos gelbėja, bei užtikrina sveikesnį ir tvaresnį pasaulį. Didelė dalis įmonės sėkmės priklauso nuo ... -
Biotechnologijų verslo vertės grandinių tobulinimo problematika žiedinės ekonomikos kontekste
(25-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija "Ekonomika ir vadyba", 2022 m. spalio 13 d. Vilnius = Proceedings of the 25th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ "Economics and management", 13 October 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)Biotechnologijomis grįstas pramonės sektorius yra ne tik smarkiai besiplečiantis, bet ir vienas perspektyviausių pasaulyje. Šiuo metu pasaulis, kaip ir biotechnologijų įmonės, stengiasi pereiti nuo įsisenėjusios linijinės ... -
City brand image formation by urban heritage initiatives
(Management: Journal of contemporary management issues: Special issue, 2020)In today’s world, as cities compete in the marketplace, strategies for creating a city brand image are often shaped solely to meet the aspirations of profit, business development, and awareness. The preservation of culture, ... -
Consumer perception of innovative solutions in e-commerce
(International journal of learning and change, 2022)The article aims to investigate consumer perception of innovations in e-commerce and according to exploratory research results to define further research areas. Literature analysis was performed to investigate and identify ... -
Contemporary concept of business competitiveness
(Vadyba = Journal of management, 2023)Business competitiveness topic is widely discussed among researchers in various science disciplines and areas. Industries and companies have been forced to adapt their activity to various changes that have a significant ... -
Core elements affecting the circularity of materials
(Sustainability: Special issue: Concrete with recycled and sustainable materials, 2022)The authors have revised the circularity of materials, which is essential to stimulate circular activity processes. The theoretical part starts with the revision of material circularity under linear and circular models, ... -
Core elements towards circularity: Evidence from the European countries
(Sustainability: Special issue "Marketing of innovation, science and technological change", 2021)In this paper, the authors identified key elements important for circularity. The primary goal of circularity is to eliminate waste and prove the constant use of resources. In the paper, we classified studies according to ... -
Corporate social entrepreneurship practice: Lithuanian case analysis
(Journal of system and management sciences, 2021)Corporate social entrepreneurship is a relatively new term proposed by the EMBRACE (ERASMUS+ programme Knowledge Alliance project "European Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum") team in 2020. The problematic area ... -
Corporate social entrepreneurship: Concept development trends
(12th International scientific conference “Business and management 2022”, May 12–13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)CSE (Corporate Social Entrepreneurship) as a concept is relatively new, and the question is rising: to what extent academic research and practices are interested and involved by society. The EMBRACE team emphasized this ... -
Designing a multi-stage transport system serving e-commerce activity
(Sustainability: Special issue: Advanced technologies and smart supply chains, 2021)In this paper, the author designs an e-commerce transport system, which covers the locations of producers’ facilities, distribution warehouses, and the business customers and deliveries among them. The study aims to identify ... -
Development of decision-support algorithms for commodity management
(Financial and credit activity: Problems of theory and practice, 2021)The purpose of this paper is to improve the commodity management of retail chains by developing theoretical provisions of decision support system of retail chain commodity management (DSS RCM). Trading networks buy goods ... -
Digitalisation as the indicator of the evidence of sustainability in the European Union
(Sustainability, 2022)Digitalisation provides access to an integrated network of information that can benefit society and businesses. However, the evidence of sustainability in business is less researched. In our paper, by building up the ...