• Digitalization challenges in the higher education sector in Syria during COVID-19 

      Mouselli, Sulaiman; Raudeliūnienė, Jurgita; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Proceedings of the 37st International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 1-2 April 2021, Cordoba, Spain, 2021)
      Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected the educational environment globally because of social distancing, self-isolation, and quarantine regime requirements to prevent the epidemic's spread. Higher education ...
    • E-management as a game changer in local public administration 

      Vilkaitė-Vaitonė, Neringa; Povilaitienė, Karolina (Economies: Special issue: Management challenges for business in digital economy: new pathways and research trends, 2022)
      The rapid development of digital technologies provides an efficient way to overcome the drawbacks of traditional management. E-management, a new form of management, is attracting much attention worldwide. The current ...
    • Komunikacijos priemonių veiksmingumas projektuojant pokyčius viešosiose ikimokyklinio ugdymo švietimo įstaigose 

      Šreiderytė, Greta; Burinskienė, Aurelija (25-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija "Ekonomika ir vadyba", 2022 m. spalio 13 d. Vilnius = Proceedings of the 25th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ "Economics and management", 13 October 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)
      Viešosiose ikimokyklinio ugdymo švietimo įstaigose siekiama, kad vaiko asmenybės formavimas būtų kokybiškas. Norint pasiekti vis geresnį rezultatą yra reikalingi pokyčiai, į kurių įgyvendinimą neretai darbuotojai reaguoja ...
    • Mediation - a peaceful solution to settle business conflicts 

      Trinkūnienė, Eva; Trinkūnas, Vaidotas; Bublienė, Raimonda (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)
      Conflicts have been around for as long as society has existed. In business, the presumptive risk of disputes should always be evaluated. Promptness in business is a great value, as any suspension can provoke great damage ...
    • Preparation of soldiers for a second career: evaluation of approach of the Czech Republic 

      Binkova, Kristyna; Pochobradska, Katerina; Prakapienė, Dalia; Jezerskė, Živilė (Ad Alta: journal of interdisciplinary research, 2020)
      Current employee career concepts are characterized by an unstmctured process and variability, not only in the case of job positions or employers but in some cases also professions in which individuals are forced by the job ...
    • Privacy protection in the transmission of personal data in business – insights from Lithuania 

      Beinoravičius, Darijus; Keršulienė, Violeta (12th International scientific conference “Business and management 2022”, May 12–13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)
      In recent decades extremely rapid technological advances have been seen that have changed many areas of daily life and the business environment. These technological advances are leading to the increasing use of electronic ...
    • The role of knowledge acquisition in enhancing knowledge management processes in higher education institutions 

      Matar, Ibrahim; Raudeliūnienė, Jurgita (International scientific conference "Contemporary issues in business, management and economics engineering 2021, 13–14 May 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2021)
      Purpose – this article investigates the impact of knowledge acquisition on the leading knowledge management processes such as knowledge storage, application, and creation in higher education institutions. Research methodology ...