• 3D modeling options analysis in AutoCAD 2015 version 

      Danaitis, Konstantinas Stanislovas; Usovaitė, Ana (BALTGRAF-13 : the 13 international conference on engineering and computer graphics, June 25-26, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015)
      3D design technology is the basis for the modern computer graphics. AutoCAD 2015 is a powerful version of computer-aided design system. We can solve complex tasks, without which this instrument can’t be solved in general. ...
    • 3D modelių kūrimas naudojant dronus DJI ir Agisoft Photoscan 

      Ušpurienė, Ana (Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika : konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, 2018)
      Šuo metu dronų prieinamumas suteikia papildomas galimybes kompiuterinių žaidimų kūrėjams. Dronas gali būti efektyviai naudojamas kuriant tikslius realių 3D objektų modelius. Straipsnyje aprašomas 3D modelių kūrimo procesas ...
    • A cloud software isolation and cross-platform portability methods 

      Pozdniakova, Olesia; Mažeika, Dalius (2017 Open conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) : proceedings of the conference, April 27, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania / Organized by: Vilnius Gediminas technical university, 2017)
      Cloud computing is a rapidly emerging technology that provides elastic, automated and on demand infrastructure, platform and software services. The cloud computing service model supplies various compute resources such as ...
    • A fuzzy analytic network process method for risk prioritization in freeway PPP projects: an Iranian case study 

      Valipour, Alireza; Yahaya, Nordin; Md Noor, Norhazilan; Kildienė, Simona; Sarvari, Hadi; Mardani, Abbas (Journal of civil engineering and management, 2015)
      Risk assessment is one of the most important factors in achieving success in public-private partnership (PPP) projects. Some relationships between risks in freeway projects have been established. The occurrence of each ...
    • A goal-oriented approach to dynamic business process simulation 

      Vasilecas, Olegas; Savickas, Titas; Normantas, Kęstutis; Vysockis, Tadas; Kalibatienė, Diana (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications. Databases and information systems IX : conference proceedings of 12th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems 2016 (DB&IS 2016), Riga, Latvia, 4-6 July 2016, 2016)
      Nowadays, to stay competitive businesses must be able to quickly adapt to rapidly changing marketing environment and/or exploit new market opportunities. Simulation of business process allows to analyze various business ...
    • A new approach on rule and context based dynamic business process simulation 

      Kalibatienė, Diana; Vasilecas, Olegas; Savickas, Titas; Vysockis, Tadas; Bobrovs, Vjačeslavs (Baltic journal of modern computing (BJMC), 2016)
      Nowadays business is rapidly changing to fulfil the customers’ needs and to meet the requirements of a changing environment. All those changes of a business have to be implemented in business processes (BP) and their ...
    • A new web-based solution for modelling data mining processes 

      Medvedev, Viktor; Kurasova, Olga; Bernatavičienė, Jolita; Treigys, Povilas; Marcinkevičius, Virginijus; Dzemyda, Gintautas (Simulation modelling practice and theory, 2017)
      The conventional technologies and methods are not able to store and analyse recent data that come from different sources: various devices, sensors, networks, transactional applications, the web, and social media. Due to a ...
    • A novel hybrid two-step group multi-attribute assessment model of stairs shape for two-story individual dwelling houses 

      Turskis, Zenonas; Juodagalvienė, Birutė (BALTGRAF-13 : the 13 international conference on engineering and computer graphics, June 25-26, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015)
      The article deals with a novel hybrid two-step group multi-attribute assessment model of stairs shape for two-story individual dwelling houses. There exist many available shapes of stairs for two-story dwelling houses. ...
    • A resource model for the rule-based dynamic business process modelling and simulation 

      Vasilecas, Olegas; Kalibatienė, Diana; Rima, Audrius; Birzniece, Ilze; Rudzajs, Peteris (The 2015 European Simulation and Modelling Conference - Modelling and Simulation'2015 - ESM'2015, October 26-28, 2015, Holiday Inn, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2015)
      The success of each business depends on it's inside runtime processes. However, traditional approaches and tools lived to model, simulate and implement business processes (BP) are stabe, and therefore, no longer covers the ...
    • A systematic literature review on dynamic business processes 

      Rusinaitė, Toma; Vasilecas, Olegas; Kalibatienė, Diana (Baltic journal of modern computing (BJMC), 2016)
      Organization's business processe s are changing constantly due to a dynamic environment. Accordingly, all t hese changes need to be impleme nted into dynamic business processes, which at the runtime will ensure the required ...
    • Academic exchange between Baltic universities and Kobe University 

      Suzuki, Hirotaka; Makutėnienė, Daiva; Dobelis, Modris; Odaka, Naoki; Veide, Zoja; Liena, Vitola (BALTGRAF-13 : the 13 international conference on engineering and computer graphics, June 25-26, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015)
      For long years, Baltic cities and Kobe city had strong relationship at administrative aspect and academic aspect. Recent several years, the relationship has been recognized again and started cooperative activities again. ...
    • Advances of scientific Research on Technology Enhanced Learning in social networks and mobile contexts: towards high effective Educational Platforms for Next Generation Education 

      Lytras, Miltiadis D.; Zhuhadar, Leyla; Zhang, Jacky Xi; Kurilov, Jevgenij (Journal of universal computer science, 2014)
      This editorial presents the latest advances of scientific Research on Technology enhanced learning in social networks and mobile contexts. It summarizes the key finding and promotes three main pillars for future scientific ...
    • An approach for allocation of shared resources in the rule-based business process simulation 

      Rusinaitė, Toma; Vasilecas, Olegas; Savickas, Titas; Vysockis, Tadas; Normantas, Kęstutis (CompSysTech '16 : proceedings of the 17th international conference on Computer Systems and Technologies 2016, Palermo, Italy, June 23-24, 2016, 2016)
      Simulation is an important business process (BP) analysis technique that allows modelling various process execution scenarios under different circumstances. One of the key factors that influence process execution is the ...
    • An approach on long running business process modelling and simulation 

      Stankevičius, Kęstutis; Vasilecas, Olegas (2016 Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) : proceedings of the conference, April 19, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania / Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2016)
      It is mandatory for organizations to keep up with rapid and continuous changes to their business processes to be competitive. Business process simulation is a preferred way to improve these changes. Many business processes ...
    • An approach to business process simulation using mined probabilistic models 

      Savickas, Titas; Vasilecas, Olegas (Computer Science and Information Systems, 2018)
      There are many approaches on how to analyse business processes, but the simulation is still not widely employed due to high costs associated with simulation model creation. In this paper, an approach on how to automatically ...
    • Analysis of data pre-processing influence on intrusion detection using NSL-KDD dataset 

      Paulauskas, Nerijus; Auškalnis, Juozas (2017 Open conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) : proceedings of the conference, April 27, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania / Organized by: Vilnius Gediminas technical university, 2017)
      Data pre-processing for machine learning methods is key step for knowledge discovery process. Depending on nature of the data, pre-processing might take the majority time of data analysis. Correctly prepared data for ...
    • Analysis of dynamic business processes and proposed implementation 

      Rusinaitė, Toma; Savickas, Titas; Vasilecas, Olegas (18-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija. IT sauga ir Informacinės sistemos = Proceedings of the 18th conference of Lithuanian junior researchers "Security of IT and information systems", 2015 m. balandžio 16 d., Vilnius, 2015)
      To remain competitive, companies must be able to change the process of automated business during the realization time in order and must expeditiously react to the environmental changes. The problem of business process ...
    • Analysis of the pattern for icon selection and relation to positive/negative actions in desktop applications 

      Radvilė, Eglė; Bičiūnaitė, Živilė; Čenys, Antanas; Ramanauskaitė, Simona (British journal of mathematics & computer science, 2015)
      The paper presents an experiment on selecting and identifying an icon in desktop applications. The aim of this work is to get more specific guidelines for improvement in the design of a natural user interface. By conducting ...
    • Analysis of using resources in business process modeling and simulation 

      Vasilecas, Olegas; Laureckas, Evaldas; Rima, Audrius (Applied computer systems : s scientific journal of Riga Technical University, 2014)
      One of the key purposes of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is to support graphical representation of the process model. However, such models have a lack of support for the graphical representation of resources, ...
    • Application of 1:1 mobile learning scenarios in computer engineering education 

      Juškevičienė, Anita; Jasutė, Eglė; Kurilov, Jevgenij; Mamčenko, Jelena (International journal of engineering education, 2016)
      The paper aims at presenting case study on personalised mobile learning scenarios on Computer Engineering and other STEM subjects in Lithuania. Fleming (VARK) learning styles model was used to personalise CCL project’s ...