• 3D ornamentų modeliavimas taikant Spline technologiją 

      Pankrašovaitė, Ina (Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika : konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, 2016)
    • 3D technical animation in information and training services in mechanical engeneering 

      Jurkonis, Eugenijus; Semenovich, E.; Murashov, B. (lnovacijos leidybos, poligrafijos ir multimedijos technologijose 2013: tarptautinė mokslinė-praktinė konferencija = Innovations in publishing, printing and multimedia technologies 2013: scientific-practical conference. Kaunas, 2013 04 17-18 : straipsnių rinkinys, 2013)
      The purpose of this paper is to discuss needs and possibilities to create informing technical animation clips using usual technical object design data and well known CAD programs; to show possibilities to create information ...
    • A new game for future Wi-Fi spectrum sharing 

      Cuzanauskas, Tomas; Haddad, Yoram (Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 2017)
      This article offers a vision for moving on from the paradigm of \"constrained politeness\" that has long governed Wi-Fi access to a shared spectrum - as embodied by the CSMA/CA mechanism and restricted EIRP limits. Instead, ...
    • A study on the ranking performance of some MCDM methods for industrial robot selection problems 

      Karande, Prasad; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras; Chakraborty, Shankar (International journal of industrial engineering computations, 2016)
      In this paper, the ranking performance of six most popular and easily comprehensive multi- criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, i.e. weighted sum method (WSM), weighted product method (WPM), weighted aggregated sum ...
    • Active low-pass filter design with variable filter order for wideband transceivers 

      Kiela, Karolis; Navickas, Romualdas (AIEEE 2015. Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE) : proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 3rd workshop, November 13–14, 2015 Riga, Latvia, 2015)
      Modern wideband transceivers that supports several different wireless communication standards require flexible intermediate frequency (IF) chains. Active low-pass filters are essential blocks in all transceiver architectures ...
    • Adaptive joint tracking of nonstationary system unknown parameters including the time delay 

      Pupeikis, Rimantas (2017 Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) : proceedings of the conference, April 27, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania / organized by Vilnius Gediminas Technical university, 2017)
      The problem of joint parameters and time delay estimation or their tracking by processing of input-output observations arises, when LTI dynamical system has an unknown time delay. It is known that a mean-square error ...
    • Advisory, negotiation and intelligent decision support system for leadership analysis 

      Gudauskas, Renaldas; Kaklauskas, Artūras; Jokūbauskienė, Saulė; Targamadzė, Vilija; Kaklauskienė, Loreta; Čerkauskas, Justas; Kuzminskė, Agnė (International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC), 2015)
      The development of the Leader Model for quantitative and qualitative analyses began with the goal of integrating managerial, organizational, technical, technological, economic, legal/regulatory, innovative, social, cultural, ...
    • An affect-based multimodal video recommendation system 

      Kaklauskas, Artūras; Gudauskas, Renaldas; Kozlovas, Matas; Pečiūrė, Lina; Lepkova, Natalija; Čerkauskas, Justas; Banaitis, Audrius (Studies in Informatics and Control, 2016)
      People watching a video can almost always suppress their speech but they cannot suppress their body language and manage their physiological and behavioral parameters. Affects/emotions, sensory processing, actions/motor ...
    • Analog integrated circuits and signal processing 

      Navickas, Romualdas (2014)
      Special issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing of Selected Papers from the 31th Norchip conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, November 11–12, 2013.
    • Analysis of Lithuania e-commerce situation 

      Davidavičienė, Vida; Paliulis, Narimantas Kazimieras; Sabaitytė, Jolanta; Davidavičius, Sigitas (EU and its Eastern Neighborhood: Fostering deeper Europeanization of Moldova / Editors: Olesea Sirbu, Silvo Devetak, Rodica Crudu, 2016)
      Rapid development of technologies, emergence of new markets and customers behavior changes led to the need of reassessment in the current electronic commerce situation. New challenges for business as well as scientific ...
    • Analysis on interference impact of Wi-Fi on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting 

      Ancans, Guntis; Bobrovs, Vjaceslavs; Ancans, Arnis; Stankevičius, Evaldas (International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 2016)
      Transition from Analogue Terrestrial Television Broadcasting to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) in the 470-862 MHz band made available amount of spectrum so-called digital dividend for other services ...
    • Analytical electric field intensity profile in diffused channel waveguides 

      Gric, Tatjana; Cada, Michael (Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications, 2015)
      A novel analytic solution to field distribution is used to calculate the intensity distribution for channel waveguides with a two-dimensional diffusion-type refractive index profile. Composition profiles for the waveguides ...
    • Application of local outlier factor algorithm to detect anomalies in computer network 

      Auškalnis, Juozas; Paulauskas, Nerijus; Baškys, Algirdas (Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering, 2018)
      Gap between the new attack appearance and signature creation for this attack may be critical. During this time, many computer systems may be affected and valuable resources may be lost. Even after signature creation, many ...
    • Apšvietimo moduliai ir jų apibūdinimas 

      Usovaitė, Ana (Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika : konferencijos "Inžinerinė grafika 2015" pranešimų medžiaga, 2015)
    • Assessment of DVB-T Compatibility with LTE in Adjacent Channels in 700 MHz Band 

      Ancans, Guntis; Stankevičius, Evaldas; Bobrovs, Vjaceslavs (Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 2015)
      The 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference allocated the 694 MHz 790 MHz (700 MHz) band to the International Telecommunication Union Region 1, which includes also Europe, for the mobile service on a co-primary basis with ...
    • Automatizuotas išorinio paieškos sistemų optimizavimo planavimas 

      Jasevičiūtė, Vita (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis : elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Science – future of Lithuania : electronics and electrical engineering, 2015)
      Straipsnyje sprendžiami paieškos sistemų (angl. SEO) išorinio optimizavimo planavimo klausimai. Pateikiama jo automatizavimo koncepcija. Turint reikšminių žodžių sąrašą, jų esamas vietas paieškos sistemos rezultatuose, ...
    • Biometric and intelligent decision making support 

      Kaklauskas, Artūras (2015)
      This book presents different methods for analyzing the body language (movement, position, use of personal space, silences, pauses and tone, the eyes, pupil dilation or constriction, smiles, body temperature and the like) ...
    • Burst signal detector based on signal energy and standard deviation 

      Stašionis, Liudas; Serackis, Artūras (Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 2014)
      Paper focuses on the spectrum sensing for cognitive radio solutions. The new algorithm is proposed for burst signal detection in frequency band where only this type of primary user signal appears (e.g. GSM band). Proposed ...
    • Call duration characteristics based on customers location 

      Žvinys, Karolis; Guršnys, Darius (Electrical, control and communication engineering, 2014)
      Nowadays a lot of different researches are performed based on call duration distributions (CDD) analysis. However, the majority of studies are linked with social relationships between the people. Therefore the scarcity of ...
    • Cognitive radio policy and regulation 

      Medeišis, Artūras; Holland, Oliver (2014)