• Assessment of market reaction on the share performance on the basis of its visualization in 2D space 

      Vaičiulytė, Ingrida; Kalsytė, Živilė; Sakalauskas, Leonidas; Plikynas, Darius (Journal of business economics and management, 2017)
      This paper provides a new methodology for company assessment besides other traditional assessment measures such as hare price or forecasts of the analysts. It is suggested to assess the market reaction on change in share ...
    • Classification-Based Storage of JPEG Images 

      Filatovas, Ernestas; Tichonov, Jevgenij; Kurasova, Olga (Data analysis methods for software systems : 8th international workshop on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, December 1-3, 2016 : [abstract], 2016)
    • Developement of negotiating competencies for business management students 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis; Peleckienė, Valentina; Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima (IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 2017)
      The paper discusses problems related to negotiation skills of the students of business administration and deals with the issues of structure and content. The article discloses and describes the structural elements of ...
    • Efficient utilization of multicore processors in PC clusters 

      Filatovas, Ernestas; Kurasova, Olga; Petkus, Tomas; Igumenov, Aleksandr; Ivanikovas, Sergėjus (Data analysis methods for software systems : 8th international workshop : December 1–3, 2016, Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2016)
    • International business negotiations: analysis of cultural dimensions and impact on negotiations 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis (IJRDO-Journal of Business Management, 2017)
      Context of the negotiations at the international level is faced with the differences between various cultures: a long-term attitude towards communication, the power placement, the uncertainties avoiding, emotional differences ...
    • Kūrybinis miestas: nuo teorinės koncepcijos prie praktinio įgyvendinimo 

      Staniulytė, Eivina (Filosofija. Sociologija, 2017)
      Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos skirtingos akademinės bendruomenės reakcijos į Richardo Floridos pasiūlytą kūrybinio miesto koncepciją: nuo kritikos dėl neapibrėžtumo ir prieštaringumo, galimybės praktiškai pritaikyti miesto ...
    • Natural User Interface Usability Research in Context of Curved Displays Systems 

      Radvilė, Eglė (2015)
      Continuous development of information technologies makes us review existing rules and recommendations designed to improve the efficiency of IT use, to ensure optimal working conditions for the users, to increase productivity, ...
    • Pronouns as means of impersonal presentation in English quality press 

      Skorupa, Pavel; Dubovičienė, Tatjana (Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija = Coactivity: Philology, Educology, 2016)
      The current paper presents the analysis of pronouns as means of impersonal presentation in English quality press. The article gives the definition of the pronoun as a grammatical category and describes the use and purpose ...
    • Robots with increased number of degree-of-freedom with single exciting force 

      Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Kulvietis, Genadijus; Drukteinienė, Asta (Precision Engineering : journal of the international societies for precision engineering and nanotechnology, 2017)
      This paper presents the results of the development and investigation of a new class of novel multi-degree-of-freedom robots based on a new concept – the application of kinematic pairs with alternatingdegree-of-freedom (DOF) ...
    • Statybinis brėžinys šiandien 

      Vdovinskienė, Sonata (Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika : konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga / Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, Lietuvos inžinerinės grafikos ir geometrijos draugija., 2016)
      This paper tells about the development of construction drawings, presents the examples of students’ graduated works and engineers drawings. It is paid an attention to today’s engineering document features and importance ...
    • Universitetų optimizacijos krizė 

      Samalavičius, Almantas Liudas (Kultūros barai, 2017)
    • Visualization of cracks by using the local Voronoi decompositions and distributed software 

      Pacevič, Ruslan; Kačeniauskas, Arnas; Markauskas, Darius (Advances in engineering software, 2015)
      The paper presents a novel visualization technique for cracks propagating in mono-dispersed particulate material. The proposed technique is based on local space decompositions generated in fractured areas. The contact ...