Browsing by LT specializations "L106 - Transportas, logistika ir informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT) / Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies"
Now showing items 1-20 of 2586
0.13 μm CMOS traveling-wave power amplifier with on- and off-chip gate-line termination
(Electronics, 2020)Broadband amplifiers are essential building blocks used in high data rate wireless, radar, and instrumentation systems, as well as in optical communication systems. Only a traveling-wave amplifier (TWA) provides sufficient ... -
0.18 μm CMOS power amplifier architecture comparison for a wideband Doherty configuration
(Informacije MIDEM - Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2016)This paper presents a comparison between a classical and a self-biased two stage CMOS power amplifier (PA) suitable for a wideband Doherty (DPA) configuration. Both PAs are fully differential and have been implemented in ... -
17-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos "Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis" teminės konferencijos "Transporto inžinerija ir vadyba", vykusios 2014 m. gegužės 8 d. Vilniuje, straipsnių rinkinys = proceedings of the 17th Conference for junior researchers "Science - future of Lithuania" Transport engineering and management, 8 May 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania
(2014)Leidinyje pateikti transporto inžinerijos objektų (automobilių, geležinkelio, aviacijos transporto priemonių ir technologinių įrenginių bei jų elementų) analizė ir tyrimas; transporto priemonių dinamika; transporto eismo ... -
180 nm IBM KMOP technologijos mažo fazinio triukšmo ir vartojamosios galios LC įtampa valdomo generatoriaus projektavimas ir tyrimas
(Studentų mokslinė praktika 2014 : konferencijos pranešimų santraukos, II dalis. Projekto "Studentų mokslinės veiklos skatinimas" leidinys, 2014) -
2016 Open conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) : proceedings of the conference, April 19, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania
(2016)The proceedings contain 16 papers. The topics discussed include: synthesis of PI controller with fuzzy set theory; synthesis of optimal control systems for braking process for automatic manipulator frame; harmonic ... -
2019 Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream), 25 April 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania : proceedings of the conference / organized by: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
(2019)We are very glad to welcome our colleagues – young scientists, researchers and practitioners to the 6-th Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream’2019), held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 25 ... -
2020 IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream), 30 April 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania: proceedings of the conference / organized by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
(2020)We are very glad to welcome our colleagues – young scientists, researchers and practitioners to the 7-th IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream’2020), held in Vilnius, Lithuania, ... -
2021 IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream), 22 April 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania
(2021)We are very glad to welcome our colleagues — young scientists, researchers and practitioners to the 8-th IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream'2021), held in Vilnius, Lithuania, ... -
2023 IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream), 27 April 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania
(2023)We are very glad to welcome our colleagues - young scientists, researchers and practitioners to the 10-th IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream‘ 2023), held in Vilnius Gediminas ... -
2D ir 3D fraktalų pavaizdavimas šiuolaikinėmis kompiuterinės grafikos priemonėmis
(Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika 2023 : konferencijos straipsnių rinkinys, 2023)Fractals are used in many fields of science – biology, physics, chemistry, and mostly in computer graphics. Fractals help to describe and model many natural phenomena in virtual or mathematical world. Modern computer ... -
3D modeling options analysis in AutoCAD 2015 version
(BALTGRAF-13 : the 13 international conference on engineering and computer graphics, June 25-26, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015)3D design technology is the basis for the modern computer graphics. AutoCAD 2015 is a powerful version of computer-aided design system. We can solve complex tasks, without which this instrument can’t be solved in general. ... -
3D pastatų modeliavimas naudojant LiDAR duomenis ir GIS technologijas
(21-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija, 2018 m. kovo 23 d. Vilnius : [straipsnių rinkinys] = Proceedings of the 21th conference for junior researchers „Science – future of Lithuania“ Civil engineering and geodesy, 23 March, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018)LiDAR (light detection and ranging) – tai nuolat populiarėjantis duomenų apie žemės paviršių surinkimo būdas naudojant orlaivyje sumontuotą lazerį. Pagrindiniai šio metodo privalumas – greitas 3D duomenų surinkimas dideliame ... -
“3PL” service improvement opportunities in transport companies
(Procedia Engineering. TRANSBALTICA 2017. Transportation science and technology : proceedings of the 10th international scientific conference, May 4-5, 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2017)The article reports the results of investigation of “3PL” areas, which has to be improve. The goal of this article is to present the results of research of “3PL” influence for company and to select key factors, which they ... -
5G CrowdCell with mm-Wave SDR based backhaul
(Cognitive Radio-Oriented Wireless Networks : 14th EAI International Conference "CrownCom 2019", Poznan, Poland, June 11–12, 2019 : proceedings, 2019)This paper presents the 5G CrowdCell platform developed by lime microsystems, as well as future mm-Wave SDR platforms which are under development, and which, among other applications, will be used as the CrowdCell backhaul. -
5G standalone and 4G multi-carrier network-in-a-box using a software defined radio framework
(Sensors: Special issue: Experimentation in 5G and beyond networks: State of the art and the way forward, 2021)In this work, an open Radio Access Network (RAN), compatible, scalable and highly flexible Software Defined Radio (SDR)-based Remote Radio Head (RRH) framework is proposed and designed. Such framework can be used to implement ... -
65 nm KMOP technologijos histerezinio komparatoriaus projektavimas
(Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis = Science – future of Lithuania: elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering, 2014)Komparatorius yra vienas iš pagrindinių elektronikos įtaisų. Jis yra naudojamas kaip diskretinis elementas arba kaip viena iš sudėtingesnės sistemos sudedamųjų dalių. Šie įtaisai dažnai veikia elektronikos sistemose, kuriose ...