Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Analysis of loads distribution and low cycle fatigue for bent threaded connections 

      Juchnevičius, Žilvinas; Krenevičius, Algimantas (Proceedings of Abstracts of 5th Annual International Travelling Conference for Young Researchers and PhD Students "ERIN 2011". Education - Research - Innovation, 13th-16th April 2011, Tatranská Kotlina - Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, 2011)
    • Analysis of loads distribution and low cycle fatigue for bent threaded connections 

      Juchnevičius, Žilvinas; Krenevičius, Algimantas (Education, Research, Innovation (ERIN 2011) : Proceedings of 5th Conference for Young Researchers and PhD Students, 13th-16th April 2011, Tatranská Kotlina - Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia : [CD], 2011)
      In this paper it is shown that the modified normative method improved by incorporating in the calculation the data of load distribution in threads is fitted for the fatigue life prediction of cyclically bent threaded ...