Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Fotovoltinių elementų diegimo pramoniniuose produktuose tendencijos 

      Plockytė, Justina
      Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos fotovoltinių elementų diegimo pramoniniuose produktuose tendencijos, kylančios problemos, bei fotovoltinių elementų pritaikymo galimybės. Analitinėje dalyje išnagrinėti pagrindiniai ...
    • Rediscovering green spaces through creative practices 

      Lavrinec, Jekaterina (Cultural heritage in a changing climate : Oslo forum, 28–30 September 2021, 2022)
      A system of green spaces in the micro-districts of the blocks of flats are a valuable resource from which local communities and wildlife benefit. Seeking to unlock the green potential of the residential areas, a paradigm ...
    • Sustainability through traditional processes: Strategy of “Salva a Lã Portuguesa” for revival of natural wool 

      Bazaraitė, Eglė; Pacheco, Mafalda (Textiles, identity and innovation : design the future : proceedings of the 1st international conference on textiles, identity and innovation (D-TEX 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, 2-4 November 2017, 2019)
      Technological development of this century must step forward by looking back: traditional processes end up offering a higher level of sustainability and market homogeneity. A case of wool is an example of malicious cycle ...