Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Case study of Lithuania: investigation of GHG emissions reduction from municipal solid waste management practices 

      Varapnickaitė, Ernesta; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Darni aplinka: 27-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Sustainable Environment: 27th Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2024)
      This upcoming article will present a comprehensive case study conducted in Lithuania, focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through innovative municipal solid waste management practices. The research ...
    • Multi-criteria evaluation of masonry facade installation by saving resources and limiting waste 

      Zigmund, Viačeslav; Antuchevičienė, Jurgita; Migilinskas, Darius (12th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2023), 2023)
      The aim of the study is to offer a new sustainable method for production and installation of masonry facade. The paper presents a case study of facade reconstruction and aims to evaluate three masonry facade alternatives ...
    • The study of the properties of concrete containing waste powder as a fine aggregate 

      Dobiszewska, Magdalena; Wrzecion, Krzysztof (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Concrete production consumes much energy and large amounts of natural resources. It causes environmental, energy and economic losses. Cement industry contributes to production for about 7% of all CO2 generated in the world. ...