Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • Application of information-sharing for resilient and sustainable food delivery in last-mile logistics 

      Gružauskas, Valentas; Burinskienė, Aurelija; Kriščiūnas, Andrius (Mathematics, 2023)
      The growing food demand, the tendency for organic food, and the adaptation of the e-commerce business model require new food supply chain management approaches. On the one hand, 30% of the world’s produced food is wasted, ...
    • Coherence coefficient for official statistics 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė (Mathematics: Special issue: Time series analysis and econometrics with applications, 2022)
      One of the quality requirements in official statistics is coherence of statistical information across domains, in time, in national accounts, and internally. However, no measure of its strength is used. The concept of ...
    • Estimation of income inequality indicators 

      Baškauskas, Ovidijus; Krapavickaitė, Danutė (Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian workshop on survey statistics 2022, August 23-26, 2022, Tartu, Estonia, 2022)
      Income inequality is observed in any country. There are many socio-demographic indicators characterizing population income. They are needed not only for the whole country, but also for its domains. If a direct design-based ...
    • Estimation of the number of residents included in a population frame 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė (Statistics in transition new series, 2021)
      A high migration rate of a population causes the number of a country’s residents to become extremely volatile, which negatively affects the quality of population frames. The aim of the paper is to present a method for ...
    • Highlights of the WSC2021 in survey statistics 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė (Summer school on survey statistics 2021 : virtual sessions, September 2021: BNU Network on Survey Statistics, 2021)
      Informacija apie pranešimų, įtrauktų į 63-ojo pasaulio statistikos kongreso,programą statistinų tyrimų klausimais tematiką.
    • Impact of stratum composition changes on the accuracy of the estimates in a sample survey 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė (Mathematics: Special isue: Advances in computational statistics and applications, 2022)
      The study is devoted to measuring the impact of the element changes on the bias and variance of the estimator of the total in a sample business survey. Stratified simple random sampling is usually used in business surveys. ...
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2021)
      Tai yra Tarptautinio statistikos instituto (ISI) statistinių tyrimų asociacijos (IASS) naujienlaiškio "The Survey Statistician" redaktorių pratarmė. Leidinys turi šias sekcijas: Paklauskite ekspertų; Nauji ir aktualūs ...
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2022)
      Redaktoriai pristato Tarptautinio Statistikos Instituto Statistinių tyrimų asociacijos naujienlaiškio "The Survey Statistician" Nr 86 turinį. Tai yra asociacijos prezidento laiškas, mokslinio sekretoriaus ataskaita, sekcijų ...
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2021)
      Pristatomas leidinio turinys: straipsniai apie tai, kad statistikos erą keičia duomenų era; apie mašininį mokymo galimybes tikimybinių imčių tyrimuose; apie ne ėmimo sukeltas paklaidas vertinant socialinės nelygybės ...
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2022)
      Introduction to the 85th issue of the International Associaition of the Survey Statisticians newsletter The Survey Statistician describing contents of the issue.
    • Mathematical modelling and hybrid strategies for risk and uncertainty management 

      Bekešienė, Svajonė; Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva (2022)
      Risk management is a decision-making process that takes into consideration political, social, economic and engineering factors, with relevant risk assessments relating to a potential hazard. Mathematics uses reasoned ...
    • Mixed-stable models: an application to high-frequency financial data 

      Belovas, Igoris; Sakalauskas, Leonidas; Starikovičius, Vadimas; Sun, Edward W. (Entropy, 2021)
      The paper extends the study of applying the mixed-stable models to the analysis of large sets of high-frequency financial data. The empirical data under review are the German DAX stock index yearly log-returns series. ...
    • One-year treatment non-persistence rates in hypertensive patients in Lithuania 

      Trečiokienė, Indrė; Bratčikovienė, Nomeda; Gulbinovič, Jolanta; Wettermark, Bjorn Gunnar Erik Evert; Taxis, Katja (Research in social and administrative pharmacy: Conference Abstracts: Next Chapter in Patient Care 2021: patient-centered approach and digital innovation inhealthcare (NCPC 2021) 7-9 April 2022, Parnu, Estonia, 2022)
    • Selective editing using contamination model 

      Burakauskaitė, Ieva; Nekrašaitė-Liegė, Vilma (Romanian statistical review, 2022)
      Results of an outlier detection study with a focus on selective editing are presented in the paper. The aim of selective editing is to identify observations affected by errors that have a major impact on the quality of ...
    • StatVillage homework 

      Šlevinskas, Donatas (Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian workshop on survey statistics 2022, August 23-26, 2022, Tartu, Estonia, 2022)
      During the course of sampling methods I was given a homework about hypothetical village in Canada called StatVillage. Here we try to estimate various parameters of the population variable using different sampling and ...
    • Three-Faceted Approach to Perceived Stress: A Longitudinal Study of Stress Hormones, Personality, and Group Cohesion in the Real-Life Setting of Compulsory Basic Military Training 

      Bekešienė, Svajonė; Smaliukienė, Rasa; Vaičaitienė, Ramutė; Mažeikienė, Asta; Larsson, Ulf Gerry; Karčiauskaitė, Dovilė; Mazgelytė, Eglė (Sustainability: Security Challenges in the Context of Sustainability, 2022)
      Compulsory basic military training is characterized not only by being challenging but also by being stressful. Assuming a high frequency of perceived stress events as a negative outcome of training, this article provides ...
    • Usage of non-probability sample and scraped data to estimate proportions 

      Nekrašaitė-Liegė, Vilma; Čiginas, Andrius; Krapavickaitė, Danutė (Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian workshop on survey statistics 2022, August 23-26, 2022, Tartu, Estonia, 2022)
      An increasing amount of data sources suggests a task to integrate them with the ordinary data sources used in official statistics. One of the problems under the study at Statistics Lithuania is to revise some indicators ...