Now showing items 1-20 of 532

    • A critical understanding of artificial intelligence: A phenomenological foundation / 

      Mickunas, Algis,; Pilotta, Joseph John, (2023.)
      Artificial intelligence (AI) is viewed as one of the technological advances that will reshape modern societies and their relations. While the design and deployment of systems that continually adapt hold the promise of ...
    • A five years follow up study of Lithuanian comic book culture and industry development 

      Mitkus, Tomas; Nedzinskaitė-Mitkė, Vaida (CONFIA 2019: 7th International conference on illustration and animation, 14-16 June 2019, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2019)
      This paper is a follow up study that analyzes how situation related to comics in Lithuania changed in the last five years. The results of the previous study identified that comic related situation in Lithuania was at very ...
    • A liberal versus an entrepreneurial university? How universities communicate their values 

      Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė, Živilė; Navickienė, Vida (Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science = Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология, 2020)
      This study explores the extent to which universities declare their orientation to liberal and neoliberal values and how it reflects in the university’s mission. The research analyses the values declared by universities in ...
    • A paradigm shift in teaching business English vocabulary 

      Suchanova, Jelena; Mockienė, Liudmila; Šliogerienė, Jolita (Establishing predominance of English for specific purposes within adult English language teaching / edited by Nadežda Stojković and Nijolė Burkšaitienė, 2018)
    • A social mapping of Swedish environment-focussed Facebook groups: The principles, methods and implementation of a mapping project 

      Doudaki, Vaia; Carpentier, Nico Eduard M. (Telematics and informatics, 2023)
      Aiming to contribute to the sparse literature on social mapping methodologies, this article elaborates on the principles, procedures and research design of a social mapping project. It first demonstrates the design and ...
    • A sociolinguistic panorama of Lithuania: Language attitudes and linguistic behaviour 

      Bagdonavičiūtė, Jovita (Sociolingvistinė Lietuvos panorama: gyventojų kalbinės nuostatos ir kalbinis elgesys: kolektyvinė monografija / mokslinė redaktorė Meilutė Ramonienė; aut.: Meilutė Ramonienė, Inga Hilbig, Kristina Jakaitė-Bulbukienė, Loreta Vilkienė, Eglė Gudavičienė, 2022)
    • A step-by-step approach to social marketing in energy transition 

      Smaliukienė, Rasa; Monni, Salvatore (Insights into regional development, 2019)
      By examining social marketing this articles has featured a step-by step approach for residential behavioural change towards sustainable energy transition. Specifically, this article considers the value-based approach instead ...
    • A study for identifying fake news in the information society: The case of the logistics sector 

      Čižiūnienė, Kristina; Petraška, Artūras; Žemaitytė, Gabrielė (TRANSBALTICA XIII: Transportation Science and Technology. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference TRANSBALTICA, September 15-16, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2023)
      In order to ensure the concept of green logistics, the aim is to automate all processes, to move them to the electronic space, etc., thus moving closer to e-logistics. However, today's current situation is a good reminder ...
    • A survey of some Italian literature works using sentiment analysis 

      Pavan, Luca (International journal of linguistics, literature and translation, 2022)
      The article describes the use of software, written by the author, to analyze some Italian literature works from the last century by using sentiment analysis. The software is lexicon-based, with a sentiment Italian dictionary ...
    • A. Okunytė – apie pilnatvę atnešančią savanorišką veiklą 

      Okunytė, Aurelija; Kirliauskaitė, Eglė (Sapere Aude, 2022)
      "Tu turi dvi rankas: vieną, kad padėtum sau, kitą – kad padėtum kitam“, – sako Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto (VILNIUS TECH) Elektroninių studijų grupės skyriaus vedėja Aurelija Okunytė, jau šeštus metus ...
    • A. Vaiciukevičiūtė: "Nauja karta yra laisvos sielos žmonės, galintys kurti Lietuvoje ir gyventi visame pasaulyje" 

      Vaiciukevičiūtė, Agnė; Lazickienė, Kristina (Sapere Aude, 2018)
      "Manau, kad esu ten, kur ir turiu būti, tačiau turiu daug svajonių ir siekiu jas transformuoti į konkrečius tikslus, todėl neabejotinai, kaip viename iš VGTU himnų giedama, tikiu, kad tai tik kelio pradžia..." - taip ...
    • Activation of cultural heritage with the help of city games.The case of the Shnipishki micro district 

      Lavrinec, Jekaterina (Методичні рекомендації «Культурна спадщина. Збереження та популяризація в умовах об’єднаних територіальних громад (ОТГ)» : сбирка = "Methodical recommendations "Cultural heritage. Preservation and promotion in the conditions of united territorial communities (UTC): сollection", 2020)
      Historic districts enrich the urban structure and life of the city, as they contain tangible and intangible mentions of the past of cities, as well as stimulate thinking about the future development of cities. The ...
    • Aesthetics in adult animation: animated documentary 

      Mitkus, Tomas (CONFIA 2021: 9th international conference on illustration and animation, October 28-29, Aveiro, Portugal, 2021)
      The popularity of animation among documentarians has grown steadily over the past decade. Unfortunately, the use of animation is not always successful or even necessary to tell a nonfictional story. This paper aims to ...
    • Aging society: public policy issues to improve well - being of population 

      Diržytė, Aistė; Patapas, Aleksandras; Pylypenko, Maksym (Asia life sciences, 2019)
      Although psychological and social well-being of the elderly has been analyzed extensively in the world, research on welfare differences in different areas is not sufficient. However, research on these differences in the ...
    • AI in visually based creative industries: impact, challenges, and predictions 

      Mitkus, Tomas; Semėnas, Rokas; Jablonskytė, Roberta; Nedzinskaitė-Mitkė, Vaida (CONFIA 2023: 10th International Conference on Illustration & Animation, July 6-7, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 2023)
      Different generative AI models, such as Stable Diffusion, Dall-E, and Midjourney, were introduced to the market within the last year and have disrupted the creative digital industry. This quickly leads to legal disputes, ...
    • Akademinė laisvė: ar ją reikia reguliuoti? 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2022)
      Straipsnyje, kuris apima filosofinius, komunikacinius ir edukologinius klausimus, plėtojamos šios tezės. 1. Akademinę laisvę puoselėjame pripažindami savo laisvių suvaržymus – tiek universiteto aplinkos, tiek formuotinos ...
    • Aktualne kierunki w badaniach retorycznych 

      Molek-Kozakowska, Katarzyna Barbara; Kampka, Agnieszka (Res rhetorica, 2022)
      This essay offers a pluralized conception of local rhetorics. The local has traditionally been conceived as the backdrop or flat surface where rhetoric/discourse is situated, or at best as a contextual dimension of rhetorical ...
    • An integration of customer value and customer relationship in urban centres and peripheries: Research implications for business practice and business studies 

      Smaliukienė, Rasa; Bekešienė, Svajonė; Lipčiūtė, Gabrielė (Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues: Special Issue, 2020)
      The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of customer values in building customer relationships with regard to the urban factor. This paper seeks to empirically explain how the urban factor affects customer ...
    • An interdisciplinary learning approach to ecological business: using examples of best practice 

      Valentukevičienė, Marina; Valatka, Vytis (Management: Journal of contemporary management issues: Special issue, 2020)
      It is a widely held view among educationists that the most effective way to facilitate a holistic learning approach is to present visual, ready-to-use, practical examples. Thus, our study follows the general scope of the ...