Now showing items 61-80 of 42077

    • Big data application for traffic estimation on a website: Big daddy case 

      Singh, Shubham Udairaj; Banelienė, Rūta (17th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference, Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, 2nd of December, 2022 : reviewed selected papers, 2023)
      While living under rapidly changing conditions innovation, flexibility and readiness to change are grounding prosperity of the firm. But any changes for companies should be reasoned and made on the basis of analytical ...
    • Interplay between totiviridae L-A dsRNA virus and Saccharomyces spp. host: integrative transcriptomic and proteomic analysis 

      Lukša, Juliana; Ravoitytė, Bazilė; Servienė, Elena; Serva, Saulius (Mikrobiologija 2022: Lietuvos mikrobiologų draugijos konferencija, [Balandžio 28-29 d., Birštonas]: pranešimų santraukų knyga, 2022)
    • High content analysis of cherries-associated mycobiota 

      Stanevičienė, Ramunė; Lukša, Juliana; Strazdaitė Žielienė, Živilė; Ravoitytė, Bazilė; Losinska-Sičiūnienė, Regina; Servienė, Elena (Mikrobiologija 2022: Lietuvos mikrobiologų draugijos konferencija, [Balandžio 28-29 d., Birštonas]: pranešimų santraukų knyga, 2022)
    • Evaluation of the methodology for determining cycling flows in Lithuania 

      Zabielaitė-Skirmantė, Miglė; Burinskienė, Marija (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      Sustainable urban development is one of the most pressing issues in urban planning, and such development requires the promotion of sustainable traffic and the use of non-motorised means of transport. The main problem ...
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness of renaturalization tools of renaturalized sections of Lithuanian rivers 

      Litvinaitis, Andrius; Bagdžiūnaitė-Litvinaitienė, Lina; Butkuvienė, Jurgita; Kontautas, Antanas; Skersonas, Andrius; Ivanauskas, Edgaras (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      More than 40% of natural riverbeds of Lithuanian rivers have been affected by straightening, in the installation of melioration systems. The solution of gentle renaturalization was chosen and mild renaturalization measures ...
    • Exploring the plot patterns of the retail landscape: The case of the Helsinki Metropolitan area / 

      Efeoglu, Hulusi Eren,; Joutsiniemi, Anssi,; Mozūriūnaitė, Skirmantė, (Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science., 2023.)
      This study examines the impact of the morphological characteristics of plots in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA) on the retail landscape, with a focus on understanding the ways in which the morphological characteristics ...
    • Antimicrobial potency of essential oils 

      Vepštaitė-Monstavičė, Iglė; Valys, Algirdas; Strazdaitė Žielienė, Živilė; Serva, Saulius (Mikrobiologija 2022: Lietuvos mikrobiologų draugijos konferencija, [Balandžio 28-29 d., Birštonas]: pranešimų santraukų knyga, 2022)
    • Timber houses in the mediterranean area: A challenge to face 

      Ciulla, Giuseppina; Testasecca, Tancredi; Mangione, Stefano; Longo, Sonia; Tupėnaitė, Laura (Future Energy: Challenge, Opportunity, and, Sustainability: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering (ICSEE 2023), 2023)
      About 40% of European energy consumption and most of the environmental impacts are related to the construction sector. A key role in decarbonizing the construction sector plays the timber buildings. Wood is a sustainable ...
    • Experimental studies and numerical validation of sound insulation of plastic acoustic metamaterial composed of perforated layers and resonators 

      Naimušin, Andrej; Januševičius, Tomas (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      Noise – messy loud noises of different frequencies, which have various types of pressure, which can be felt as air vibrations or sounds that interfere with human comfort. This kind of noise can be transferred through ...
    • Influence of low noise barrier height on sound insertion loss 

      Tumavičė, Aja; Jasiūnienė, Vilma (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      . Ensuring the best possible quality of the living environment is the worldwide aim. One of the very important factors strongly affecting people’s health is the traffic produced noise, the reduction of which to permissible ...
    • Modelling of sound reduction of sound insulating enclosure with recycled rubber covered walls 

      Vilniškis, Tomas; Januševičius, Tomas (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      The excessive noise of machines and devices could be reduced with the use of acoustic enclosures. Additional requirement for enclosures: free air circulation through construction walls, which is important for device ...
    • Dirbtinių neuronų tinklų su dinaminėmis sinapsėmis apžvalga 

      Dumpis, Martynas (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis. Elektronika ir elektros inžinerija = Science – Future of Lithuania. Electronics and electrical engineering, 2023)
      Dirbtinių neuronų tinklai (DNT) yra plačiai taikomi realaus pasaulio problemoms spręsti. Dauguma mūsų atliekamų veiksmų ir mus supančių procesų yra kintantys laike. Neuronų tinklai, turintys dinamines savybes, leidžia ...
    • Evaluation of biofiltration materials for H2S removal 

      Mohammadi, Kamyab; Vaiškūnaitė, Rasa (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      H2S concentrations in Biogas are limited by environmental regulations. Hence, there are multiple purification methods as biological filtration are developed to meet the standards. In a typical biofiltration process, a bed ...
    • Sustainable technology of wastewater treatment by environmentally friendly modified natural sorbents for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus 

      Fediv, Irina; Stepova, Kateryna; Šarko, Julita; Mažeikienė, Aušra (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      The work deals with the issues of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater. Natural and modified sorbents: zeolite, glauconite, and bentonite were tested under laboratory conditions. The studies used effluent from ...
    • A bibliometric analysis of river restoration 

      Survilė, Oksana; Kalibatienė, Diana (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      Increasing environmental pollution and human intervention in nature today require the restoration, study, and monitoring of the positive effects on water quality in the restored rivers. Consequently, the main research ...
    • Apie Tarptautinį ekslibrisų konkursą "Istorinės atminties vardai" 

      Jakaitis, Jonas (Tarptautinis ekslibrisų konkursas. Istorinės atminties vardai. Ekslibrisai, 2023)
      Siekiant įprasminti 2023-sius kaip Lietuvos politinių kalinių ir tremtinių, V. Putvinskio- Pūtvio, Klaipėdos krašto Lietuvoje metus bei pažymėti Lietuvos politinių kalinių ir tremtinių sąjungos veiklos 35-tį, XXVII knygos ...
    • Aerozolio dalelių dinamikos tyrimai uždaroje šaudykloje 

      Garbaras, Andrius; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Garbarienė, Inga; Vasiliauskienė, Vaida; Bučinskas, Laurynas; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė (45-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, 2023 m. spalio 25-27 d., Vilnius : Programa ir pranešimų tezės, 2023)
      Kariškiams, policijos pareigūnams, apsaugos darbuotojams, šauliams šaudyti iš kovinių ginklų šaudyklose yra profesinė būtinybė. Taip pat pramoginės šaudyklos yra populiarios daugelyje šalių. Uždara šaudykla – tai patalpa, ...
    • Mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA scaffolds for bone regeneration 

      Kundreckaitė, Paula; Šešok, Andžela; Stonkus, Rimantas; Gaidulis, Gediminas; Romanczuk–Ruszuk, Eliza; Pauk, Jolanta (BIOMDLORE:14th international conference, 22-24 October 2023, Bialystok, Poland : book of abstracts, 2023)
    • Study on the inflow of biogenic substances into lakes 

      Litvinaitis, Andrius; Bagdžiūnaitė-Litvinaitienė, Lina (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      Changes in the ecosystems of lakes and their shores caused by anthropogenic impact have a huge influence on the quality of the landscape. The article analyzes the inflow of biogenic substances into lakes Lūkstas and ...
    • Investigation of acoustic agglomeration efficiency using different working conditions of acoustic chamber 

      Kilikevičienė, Kristina; Chlebnikovas, Aleksandras (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      Particulate matter pollution is one of the main factors of atmospheric pollution. Due to its negative impact on both human health and the environment, it has become an actual problem in Lithuania and around the world. This ...