Dabar rodomi įrašai 21-40 iš 198

      Chrestomatinė medžiaga "Filosofijos įvado" kursui [7]
      Clay and clay minerals: [working title] [1]
      Co-creation of public open places. Practice - Reflection - Learning [1]
      Cognitive radio policy and regulation [7]
      Cognitive radio policy and regulation : techno-economic studies to facilitate dynamic spectrum access /eds. Medeisis Arturas, Holland Oliver [1]
      Collaboration to widen participation in higher education [1]
      Collected papers (on physics, atificial intelligence, health issues, decision making, economics, statistics) [2]
      Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series. CSETS: 40. Advances in parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing for engineering: The Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering held in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Pecs, ´Hungary from 30-31 May 2017 [1]
      Cork in aerospace: Cultivation to application : textbook [1]
      Creating Europe from the margins: Mobilities and racism in Postcolonial Europe [1]
      Current issues of the management of socio-economic systems in terms of globalization challenges: Chapter 1. Impact of globalization challenges on the management of socio-economic systems [1]
      Current issues of the management of socio-economic systems in terms of globalization challenges: Chapter 3. Use of marketing and logistics in the management of socio-economic systems [2]
      DAAAM International scientific book 2012 [1]
      DAAAM International scientific book 2013. Vol.12 [1]
      Darnus vystymasis: teorija ir praktika = Sustainable development: theory and practice : kolektyvinė monografija [1]
      Data science: new issues, challenges and applications [1]
      Decision-making in management: Methods and behavioral tools [1]
      Design, construction and management of wooden public buildings [2]
      Designing mobility and transport services: developing traveller experience tools / edited by Mike Tovey, Andree Woodcock, Jane Osmond [1]
      Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000 [35]