Now showing items 3193-3212 of 3343

    • VTU statybos fakulteto darbo ir gaisrinės saugos katedros gaisrinės saugos bakalaurų praktikų metodika 

      Čyras, Petras; Aleksandravičius, Vidas (1996)
      Praktikų metodika skirta gaisrinės saugos specialybės studentams, atliekantiems mokomąją, pirmąją, gamybinę, antrąją gamybinę ir prieš diplominę praktikas. šio leidinio tikslas - padėti būsimiems bakalaurams įgytas paskaitų ...
    • Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių padėties darbo rinkoje ir jų užimtumo galimybių įvertinimas 

      Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima; Pocius, Arūnas (2005)
    • Vyresniųjų klasių moksleiviams apie bakalauro studijas Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete 

      Daniūnas, Alfonsas; Ambrasas, Gintautas; Čeikienė, Nijolė; Prentkovskienė, Rasa; Rudinskas, Darius; Zemlickienė, Vaida (2010)
      Moksleivi, nebūk abejingas savo ateičiai, žinodamas savo norus, galimybes, pomėgius, pabandyk atsirinkti, kokią studijų programą nori studijuoti ir ryžtingai siek savo tikslo. Šis leidinys ir padės susigaudyti bei išsiaiškinti, ...
    • Warehouse order picking process 

      Merkuryev, Yuri; Burinskienė, Aurelija; Merkuryeva, Galina (Simulation-based case studies in logistics: education and applied research. Course on Simulation-Based Analysis and Metamodelling of Supply Chains Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Cerdanyola, SPAIN, FEB 6-7, 2006, 2009)
      The order picking process – the retrieval of products from specified locations according to customer orders – is the most laborious and costly process in a warehouse. It consumes almost 60% of all warehouse labour activities. ...
    • Warehouse order picking process and costs 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija (Final report of cross-border project called "Development of logistics for supplier net models" (Lognet) / St. Petersburg Transport University, Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2009)
      Order picking process is the most laborious activity in warehouse. It consumes almost 50% of all warehouse labour activities. The study pays special attention to order picking process in a wide-aisle warehouse with the aim ...
    • Waste to energy and environment 

      Wandrasz, Janusz; Pikoń, Krzysztow; Oleniacz, Robert; Bolutienė, Violeta; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Buinevičius, Kęstutis; Juszczak, Marek; Olczyk, Wojciech; Krajewski, Waldemar; Kalinowski, Krystian; Najzarek, Zbigniew; Jaworski, Tomasz Józef; Beckmann, Michael; Rostkowski, Sławomir; Tanner, Norbert; Wandrasz, Andrzej J.; Wandrasz, Anna Z.; Czekalska, Zofija; Stelmach, Sławomir; Cieślak, Małgorzata; Gromadzińska, Ewa; Landrat, Marcin; Nadziakiewicz, Jan; Janusz, Marek; Koziol, Michal; Alwaeli, Mohamed; Gaska, Krzysztof (2010)
    • Welding and thermal cutting 

      Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas (2008)
      In this book presented description of common engineering methods for the joining of engineering components. These joining technologies include processes and methods, based on arc, plasma, electron beam, laser, fuel gas, ...
    • Welding technology and equipment 

      Valiulis, Algirdas (1994)
    • What you see is what you hear: creativity and communication in audiovisual texts 

      Martinelli, Dario (2020)
      What You See Is What You Hear develops a unique model of analysis that helps students and advanced scholars alike to look at audiovisual texts from a fresh perspective. Adopting an engaging writing style, the author draws ...
    • When both utterances and appearances are deceptive: Deception in multimodal film narrative 

      Dynel, Marta Joanna (Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics, 2021)
      This article gives a comprehensive theoretical account of deception in multimodal film narrative in the light of the pragmatics of film discourse, the cognitive philosophy of film, multimodal analysis, studies of fictional ...
    • When the margins enter the centre: The documentary along the borders of Turkey and its YouTube comments as conflicting constructions of europeanity 

      Carpentier, Nico Eduard M.; Doudaki, Vaia (Creating Europe from the margins: Mobilities and racism in Postcolonial Europe, 2024)
      This chapter uses a discourse-theoretical analysis to study two episodes of the documentary series Along the Borders of Turkey, produced and broadcast by the Dutch public broadcaster VPRO. In 2017, the VPRO web team uploaded ...
    • Wide-band slow-wave systems : simulation and application 

      Štaras, Stanislovas; Martavičius, Romanas; Skudutis, Julius; Urbanavičius, Vytautas; Daškevičius, Vladislavas (2012)
      The field of electromagnetics has seen considerable advances in recent years, based on the wide applications of numerical methods for investigating electromagnetic fields, microwaves, and other devices. Wide-Band Slow-Wave ...
    • Wide-band slow-wave systems: simulation and applications 

      Štaras, Stanislovas; Martavičius, Romanas; Skudutis, Julius; Urbanavičius, Vytautas; Daškevičius, Vladislavas (2017)
      The field of electromagnetics has seen considerable advances in recent years, based on the wide applications of numerical methods for investigating electromagnetic fields, microwaves, and other devices. Wide-Band Slow-Wave ...
    • Willem K.M. Brauers 

      Melnikas, Borisas (2011)
      Leidinyje pateikta trumpa prof. dr. Willem K. M. Brauers mokslinė biografija, atskleisti ryšiai su Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetu, skelbiama jo kalba apie šiuolaikinius socialinius, ekonominius, technologijų ...
    • Wilno XX-XXI wiek: przewodnik architektoniczny 

      Drėmaitė, Marija; Leitanaitė, Rūta; Reklaitė, Julija (2019)
    • Wireless MAC for real time applications 

      Pavilanskas, Lukas (2009)
      In modern telecommunications industry the expansion of the IEEE 802.11 networks is one of the most rapidly growing segment of the telecommunications market. This technology has quickly found a significant place and popularity ...
    • Wirtschaft und Mentalität 

      Melnikas, Borisas; Reichel, Bernd (2004)
    • Worked problems in deskriptive geometry 

      Gerdžiūnas, Pranas; Marozienė, Juta Teklė Tatjana; Šeibokienė, Elena (1992)
      The authors attempt to help learners of descriptive geometry course in their class and independent work. The given conditions of abstract and practical laboratory problems must been solved directly in the sheets of this ...
    • Works of computer graphics 

      Šeibokienė, Elena (1994)
    • Workshop on survey sampling theory and methodology 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Pumputis, Dalius (2010)