Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • New European challenges for small business prospective 

      Gaile-Sarkane, Hao-Jan; Ivashutsin, Aliasandr; Kocmanova, Alena; Lace, Natalja; Mačerinskienė, Irena; Nemeček, Petr; Oganisjana, Karine; Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Railienė, Ginta; Šimberova, Iveta; Sundukova, Zoja; Temichev, Andrej (2008)
    • Similar aims, different approaches: An analysis of campaign video ads in the Baltic States 

      Šuminas, Andrius; Pričins, Mārtiņš; Toode, Ülle; Zamauskė, Justina (The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the time of populism and social media, 2022)
      This chapter examines the campaign in a geographical area with a shared political history—the three Baltic member states. What emerges is a similar pattern of campaigning to that experienced elsewhere in the EU with certain ...