Browsing Konferencijų publikacijos / Conference Publications by Department "Kelių tyrimo institutas / Road Research Institute"
Now showing items 1-20 of 35
A review of the best experience on crumb rubber – dry process modified asphalt mixture performance
(CETRA 2020 : 6th International conference on road and rail infrastructure, 20–21 May 2021, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021)The use of crumb rubber made from end of life tyres for asphalt mixtures modification in order to improve their properties or just utilize waste products may be considered as potential solution. Crumb rubber can be used ... -
Analysis of driving conditions on low-volume roads in Lithuania assessing geometry parameters of roads
(8th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 19-20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers. Vol. 3. Sustainable Urban development. Roads and Railways. Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre, 2011)The first Lithuanian regulatory document on road design was issued only in 1996. Until now, two more documents have been issued. During the last 20 years both the principles of road design and road classification has ... -
Analysis of driving conditions on low-volume roads in Lithuania assessing geometry parameters of roads
(8th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 19-20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania CD, 2011)The first Lithuanian regulatory document on road design was issued only in 1996. Until now, two more documents have been issued. During the last 20 years both the principles of road design and road classification has ... -
Analysis of vertical traffic calming measures in impacts on road safety and environment in Lithuania state roads
(9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania: selected papers CD, 2014)Several years after implementation of vertical traffic calming measures on roads, crossing cities and settlements, for the first time in Lithuania the research was carried out to determine their effect on the change in the ... -
Dolomito skaldos panaudojimo automobilių kelių asfalto dangos viršutiniam sluoksniui įrengti vertinimas
(18-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminės konferencijos „Transporto inžinerija ir vadyba“, vykusios 2015 m. gegužės 6 d. Vilniuje, straipsnių rinkinys = Proceedings of the 18th conference for junior researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ „Transport engineering and management“, 6 May 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015)Lietuvoje viršutinio asfalto sluoksnio įrengimui naudojamų asfalto mišinių gamybai dažniausiai naudojamos granito mineralinės medžiagos, kurios yra importuojamos iš užsienio šalių. Vienas iš Lietuvos mineralinių medžiagų ... -
Evaluation of asphalt mix with dolomite aggregates for wearing layer
(Transportation research procedia. Transport Research Arena TRA2016, April 18-21, 2016 / Edited by Leszek Rafalski, Adam Zofka, 2016)Bearing capacity and durability of road pavement structure depends on design solution, transport loads, climate, materials and construction quality. But the main factors are selected materials for road pavement structure ... -
Evaluation of high-quality dolomite aggregate for asphalt wearing course
(10th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2017)In Lithuania dolomite is the third most excavated by the amount mineral resource, which is mostly used in subbase layer and hot asphalt mixtures for asphalt binder and base courses. Although, for asphalt wearing layer are ... -
Experience of use of warm mix asphalt in Lithuania
(8th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 19-20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers. Vol. 3. Sustainable Urban development. Roads and Railways. Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre, 2011)Warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies allow to reduce hot mix asphalt (HMA) production and compaction temperatures without compromising asphalt mix workability and its physical mechanical properties. The use of WMA technologies ... -
Experience of use of warm mix asphalt in Lithuania
(8th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 19-20, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania CD, 2011)Warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies allow to reduce hot mix asphalt (HMA) production and compaction temperatures without compromising asphalt mix workability and its physical mechanical properties. The use of WMA technologies ... -
Field studies of MSWI bottom ash as aggregate for unbound base course mixtures
(IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering: 30th International Baltic Road Conference (IBRC 2021) 23rd-24th August 2021, Riga, Latvia, 2021)In the European Union, about 30–40 million tonnes of residues known as municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash is generated and landfilled annually. To address the continuous growth of landfills and to implement ... -
Granitmilčių panaudojimo asfalto mišinių gamybai tyrimas
(15-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos "Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis" teminės konferencijos "Transporto inžinerija ir vadyba" 2012 m. gegužės 4 d. straipsnių rinkinys, 2012)Mineraliniai milteliai yra svarbiausias struktūrą formuojantis asfalto mišinių komponentas, turintis didžiausią paviršiaus plotą – jo plotas sudaro iki 90–95 % visų į asfalto mišinio sudėtį įeinančių mineralinių medžiagų ... -
Long term monitoring of performance characteristics of the pavement test track
(Transport research arena (TRA 2014). 5th conference: Transport solution from research to deployment: innovate mobility, mobilise innovation! Paris, La Defence (France), 14-17 April 2014 : [internet resource], 2014)This paper presents the first experimental pavement test road section in Lithuania including pavement design, annual measurements, data acquisition and response analysis. The road of experimental pavement structures was ... -
Methodical guidelines for the design of roundabouts in Lithuania
(9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers, 2014)During the last decade roundabouts served the purpose to be the one of the safest and to have the highest capacity of all at-grade intersections. Unfortunately, until now Lithuania had no detail design standards adapted ... -
Methodical guidelines for the design of roundabouts in Lithuania
(9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania: selected papers CD, 2014)During the last decade roundabouts served the purpose to be the one of the safest and to have the highest capacity of all at-grade intersections. Unfortunately, until now Lithuania had no detail design standards adapted ... -
Mineralinių medžiagų adhezijos su skirtingos rūšies bituminėmis emulsijomis vertinimas
(18-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminės konferencijos „Transporto inžinerija ir vadyba“, vykusios 2015 m. gegužės 6 d. Vilniuje, straipsnių rinkinys = Proceedings of the 18th conference for junior researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“ „Transport engineering and management“, 6 May 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015)Automobiliu kelių (gatvių) eksploatacijos metu asfalto dangoje susidaro ankstyvos stadijos pažaidos, tokios kaip išilginiai ir skersiniai plyšiai, plyšių tinklas, provėžos. Šių pažaidų savalaikis remontas stabdo didesnių ... -
Modelling of unbound base layer aggregate shape and structure by discrete numerical methods
(Transport means 2021: Sustainability: research and solutions: proceedings of the 25th international scientific conference: October 06-08, 2021, online conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2021)From the point of view of road network infrastructure, the load-bearing capacity of the pavement structure is ensured by general safety, durability, smoothness, noise, economy and other requirements. However, in most cases, ... -
New solutions for distressed pavement rehabilitation of Vilnius city streets
(CETRA 2014 : proceedings of the 3rd international conference on road and rail infrastructures, 28–30 April 2014, Split, Croatia, 2014)Permanent deformation in asphalt pavement structures is one of the main pavement distress problems. The common asphalt pavement surface deformations are shoving and rutting at intersections, bus stops and bays, in heavy ... -
Optimisation of Nano-ZnO and Nano-SiO 2 mixing time for bitumen modification
(IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering.: 30th International Baltic Road Conference (IBRC 2021) 23rd-24th August 2021, Riga, Latvia, 2021)Nanotechnologies have gradually penetrated to the field of bitumen modification especially where durable asphalt mixtures have to be designed. Longer mixing time, higher temperatures or/and higher rotation (shearing) speeds ... -
Performance of asphalt pavement structures in test road sections
(9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania: selected papers [CD], 2014)The experimental pavement test road section program was carried out in 2007–2013 by the Road Research Institute of Vilnius Gediminas technical university. The road of experimental pavement structures was constructed in ... -
Performance of asphalt pavement structures in test road sections
(9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers, 2014)The experimental pavement test road section program was carried out in 2007–2013 by the Road Research Institute of Vilnius Gediminas technical university. The road of experimental pavement structures was constructed in ...