Now showing items 1-20 of 2845

    • 17-4 PH stainless-steel as a material for high resolution laser metal deposition 

      Steponavičiūtė, Ada; Selskienė, Aušra; Stravinskas, Karolis; Borodinas, Sergejus; Mordas, Genrik (Materials today: Proceedings: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Transcending Boundaries-2021, 2022)
      Additive manufacturing (AM) is a type of manufacturing technologies whereby the material is added a layer upon layer to produce a 3D object. Produced 3D parts are applied in such industry sectors as space, aviation, ...
    • 2D and 3D buildings modeling by geodetic measurements data 

      Gaidytė, Rita; Stanionis, Arminas (The fifth international scientific conference "Rural Development 2011": proceedings, 24-25 of November, 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2011)
      Many inventors and companies still use 2D drawings and are starting to realize a 3D design because 3D modeling can save time and money. The objective of the research is to sift advantages and disadvantages of 2D and 3D ...
    • 2D measurement system scales and peculiarities of their calibration 

      Barakauskas, Algimantas; Kasparaitis, Albinas; Lazdinas, Rimantas; Zakas, Gintautas (Mechanika-2012 : proceedings of the 17th international conference, 12, 13 April, 2012, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, 2012)
      Nowadays new and more informative 2D linear displacement measurement systems are being designed. Usually they provide information about value and direction of linear displacement, absolute position as well as small linear ...
    • 2DE gel image preprocessing using self-organising maps 

      Serackis, Artūras; Matuzevičius, Dalius; Navakauskas, Dalius (Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, Wilga, Poland, 24-29 June 2010 : proceedings / The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010)
      Image processing for the comparison and matching of two images is usually based on classical cross-correlation technique. However matching of 2DE gel images requires more sophisticated approach. In this paper the preprocessing ...
    • 3D numerical simulation of punching shear behavior of slab-column connection 

      Vainiūnas, Povilas; Popov, Vladimir; Jarmolajev, Andrej (The 8th International conference "Modern building materials, structures and techniques" : selected papers [Grafika] : May 19-21, 2004 Vilnius, Lithuania, 2004)
      The improvement of the design and analysis method had been made in the form of both theoretical and empirical approach in the beginning in order to reproduce the experimental results of load-deformation relationships. The ...
    • 3D Vector electric field distributions and dispersion characteristics of open rectangular and circular metamaterial waveguides 

      Gric, Tatjana; Ašmontas, Steponas; Nickelson, Liudmila (18th international conference on microwave, radar and wireless communications (MIKON-2010). 4th Microwave and radar week (MRW-2010). Vilnius, Lithuania, June 14-16, 2010 : conference proceedings. Vol. 2, 2010)
      Here we present the 3D vector electric field distributions of the main and the first higher modes propagating in the open metamaterial rod and hollow-core waveguides.
    • “3PL” service improvement opportunities in transport companies 

      Batarlienė, Nijolė; Jarašūnienė, Aldona (Procedia Engineering. TRANSBALTICA 2017. Transportation science and technology : proceedings of the 10th international scientific conference, May 4-5, 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2017)
      The article reports the results of investigation of “3PL” areas, which has to be improve. The goal of this article is to present the results of research of “3PL” influence for company and to select key factors, which they ...
    • 5DOF planar – rotary motion piezoelectric robot 

      Čeponis, Andrius; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Mažeika, Dalius (IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering: 16th international conference: Mechatronic systems and materials (MSM 2021), 30.06 - 02.07.2021, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022)
      A novel resonant type five degrees of freedom (5DOF) mobile piezoelectric robot is proposed and analysed. The piezoelectric robot performs unlimited linear working motion in the plane and rotates the positioning table or ...
    • 70 Year for the first faculty of civil engineering in Lithuania 

      Elzbutas, Henrikas; Rudžionis, Žymantas; Vainiūnas, Povilas (Advanced Construction : proceedings of the 2nd international conference, 11-12 November, 2010, Kaunas, Lithuania / Kaunas University of Technology, 2010)
    • A capacitive feedback 80 dBΩ 1.1 GHz CMOS transimpedance amplifier with improved biasing 

      Romanova, Agata; Barzdėnas, Vaidotas (Proceedings of the 27th international conference "Mixed design of integrated circuits and systems", June 25-27, 2020, Lódz, Poland, 2020)
      The work presents the design of an area-efficient low-noise high-performance CMOS transimpedance amplifier for optical time-domain reflectometers. The proposed solution is based on a low-noise capacitive feedback structure ...
    • A capacity building for Higher Education Erasmus+ project: strategic Human Resources Management for Southeast Asian Universities (HR4ASIA) 

      Silva, Paulo Resende Da; Nogueiro, Teresa; Saraiva, Margarida; Jorge, Fátima; Radzevičienė, Asta; Chuong, Tran (EDULEARN18 : 10th international conference on Education and new learning technologies, Palma, Spain. 2-4 July, 2018 : conference proceedings / edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, 2018)
      Abstract The development and optimization of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is becoming more and more important. Consequently, Human Resources Management (HRM) has gained greater prominence in the management of these ...
    • A cloud software isolation and cross-platform portability methods 

      Pozdniakova, Olesia; Mažeika, Dalius (2017 Open conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream) : proceedings of the conference, April 27, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania / Organized by: Vilnius Gediminas technical university, 2017)
      Cloud computing is a rapidly emerging technology that provides elastic, automated and on demand infrastructure, platform and software services. The cloud computing service model supplies various compute resources such as ...
    • A comparative analysis of multicriteria evaluation methods AHP and fare used to determine the criteria weights 

      Ginevičius, Romualdas (The 4th international scientific conference "Business and management' 2006". The 14th international scientific conference "Enterprice management: diagnosis, strategy, efficiency": selected papers. 5-6 October 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007)
      Weights of the evaluation criteria can hardly be accurately determined by multicriteria evaluation methods when the number of the criteria is large. This also applies to the currently used AHP method. A method referred to ...
    • A comparative study on the electromagnetic radiation from various cell phones 

      Damauskaitė, Jovita; Daunaravičienė, Asta (5th International Conference: Radiation interaction with materials: fundamentals and applications 2014, Kaunas, Lithuania May 12-15: Program and materials, 2014)
      The averagc clectromagnetic power dcnsity values were measured indoor during an ingoing or outgoing call al distance from cell phone. For the electromagnetic power density measurements from mobile phone the handheld portablc ...
    • A comparison of accuracy and efficiency of parallel solvers for fractional power diffusion problems 

      Čiegis, Raimondas; Starikovičius, Vadimas; Margenov, Svetozar; Kriauzienė, Rima (Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics : 12th international conference, PPAM 2017, Lublin, Poland, September 10–13, 2017 : revised selected papers, Part I / editors Roman Wyrzykowski, Jack Dongarra, Ewa Deelman, Konrad Karczewski, 2018)
      In this paper, we construct and investigate parallel solvers for three dimensional problems described by fractional powers of elliptic operators. The main aim is to make a scalability analysis of parallel versions of several ...
    • A complex evaluation of the work productivity of university teaching staff 

      Ginevičius, Romualdas; Podvezko, Valentinas; Ginevičienė, Vanda Birutė (8th Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education. Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2-4 September 2004 : seminar proceedings, 2004)
      In the paper, the authors consider various possible ways to evaluate the labour productivity of university teachers. Multicriteria evaluation methods have been found to be most effective for this purpose. Their application ...
    • A convex shaped radial-torsional ultrasonic motor with built-in galaxy wave transmission 

      Han, Bing; Yang, Ying; Qiu, Jian-min; Pan, Zhi-yong; Zheng, Ke; Yu, Xue-qi-fei; Vasiljev, Piotr; Mažeika, Dalius; Borodinas, Sergejus (Proceedings of the 2020 15th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications, (SPAWDA), 16-19 April 2021, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, 2021)
      A plate type standing wave ultrasonic motor which uses built-in galaxy wave transmission mechanism to realize radial-torsional mode conversion is proposed in this paper. Operating principle of the motor is demonstrated, ...
    • A cross-section survey of construction workers: an ergonomic approach 

      Kaminskas, Kazys Algirdas; Antanaitis, Jonas (10th International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques: selected papers, Vol. 2. May 19-21, 2010, 2010)
      Musculoskeletal disorders cause ill health and decreased work ability, thereby increasing the costs of absenteeism for companies and interfering in social security systems on a national scale. Our research aimed to identify ...
    • A feasibility study for the introduction of Master's degree courses into the university curriculum based on multi-criteria evaluation methods 

      Ginevičienė, Vanda Birutė; Ginevičius, Adomas; Tamošauskas, Povilas (10th UICEE annual conference on engineering education: reinforcing partnerships in engineering education: Bangkok, Thailand, 19-23 March 2007: conference proceedings, 2007)
      In the model of studies outlined in the Bologna Process, the emphasis is placed on the second, Master-level courses of studies. This raises the important problem of determining the preparedness of universities to conduct ...
    • A framework to analyse and evaluate information systems specification languages 

      Čaplinskas, Albertas; Lupeikienė, Audronė; Vasilecas, Olegas (Advances in Databases and Information Systems : 6th East European Conference, ADBIS 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 8-11, 2002 : proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science, 2002)
      The paper proposes a theoretical framework to analyse and evaluate IS specification languages. it surveys present approaches, introduces the nation of linguistic system, and discusses the relationships between linguistic ...