Browsing Moksliniai ir apžvalginiai straipsniai / Research and Review Articles by Faculty "Kūrybinių industrijų fakultetas / Faculty of Creative Industries"
Now showing items 1-20 of 666
2014 m. aktualijos Lietuvos filosofinėje padangėje: du filosofai – du jiems skirti įvertinimai
(Filosofija. Sociologija, 2015)Straipsnyje pristatomi du svarbūs Lietuvos kultūrai ir filosofijai įvykiai – dr. Vaclovui Bagdonavičiui Valstybinės Jono Basanavičiaus premijos skyrimas ir dr. Žibartui Juozui Jackūnui Mykolo Romerio universiteto (MRU) ... -
A critique of the culture of the masses in Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy
(Człowiek w kulturze, 2017)The aim of the article is to reveal the fundamental propositions of a critique of the culture of the masses developed in the philosophy of a prominent Spanish thinker José Ortega y Gasset, to explore the main tendencies, ... -
A liberal versus an entrepreneurial university? How universities communicate their values
(Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science = Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология, 2020)This study explores the extent to which universities declare their orientation to liberal and neoliberal values and how it reflects in the university’s mission. The research analyses the values declared by universities in ... -
A model for assessing the commercial potential of high technologies
(Oeconomia copernicana, 2018)Research background: technology development and its application for human activities — R&D — have been recognized as the basis of economic performance, a source of technological solutions and of high value-added supply ... -
A social mapping of Swedish environment-focussed Facebook groups: The principles, methods and implementation of a mapping project
(Telematics and informatics, 2023)Aiming to contribute to the sparse literature on social mapping methodologies, this article elaborates on the principles, procedures and research design of a social mapping project. It first demonstrates the design and ... -
A step-by-step approach to social marketing in energy transition
(Insights into regional development, 2019)By examining social marketing this articles has featured a step-by step approach for residential behavioural change towards sustainable energy transition. Specifically, this article considers the value-based approach instead ... -
A survey of some Italian literature works using sentiment analysis
(International journal of linguistics, literature and translation, 2022)The article describes the use of software, written by the author, to analyze some Italian literature works from the last century by using sentiment analysis. The software is lexicon-based, with a sentiment Italian dictionary ... -
A three - dimensional aproach in education for sustainable future
(Problemy ekorozwoju=Problems of sustainable development, 2017)The concept of sustainable development is used in a growing number of new contexts (ever - modernising technologies, developing science, environmental protection, politics) and levels (global, regional, national, institutional, ... -
Abstrakčiųjų priesagos -imas (-ymas) daiktavardžių konkretėjimas administracinėje kalboje
(Specialybės kalba : normų kaita ir kodifikavimas.[Elektroninis išteklius], 2014)Abstract nouns with the sufix -imas (-ymas) are a rather common form in the usage of the administrative language. The suffix is generally used in a very clear meaning of action (or state) and the usage leads to the abstraction ... -
Aesthetic empowerment through music
(Musicae Scientiae: 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, July 31 - August 04, 2017, 2019)This article describes how aesthetic enjoyment accompanying musical activities can empower individuals in health and disease. First, we explain the biological determinants of music enjoyment and how they can be studied. ... -
Afro-argentiniečių kultūros įtaka Buenos-Airių kultūros raidai ir tango ištakų susiformavimui
(Logos, 2015)Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos prielaidos, lėmusios juodaodžių atsiradimą, paplitimą bei galiausiai išnykimą Plata upės regione (dabartinė Argentina ir Urugvajus), atskleidžiama jų įtaka šalies kultūros raidai, ypač tango muzikos ... -
Aging society: public policy issues to improve well - being of population
(Asia life sciences, 2019)Although psychological and social well-being of the elderly has been analyzed extensively in the world, research on welfare differences in different areas is not sufficient. However, research on these differences in the ... -
Akademinė anglų kalba
(Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija, 2013)Straipsnyje aptariamas akademinės anglų kalbos mokymas. Pateikiami motyvai, skatinantys studentus mokytis šios kalbos. Gretinant tris anglų kalbos atšakas – bendrinę (General English), specifinę (English for Specific ... -
Akademinė laisvė: ar ją reikia reguliuoti?
(Logos, 2022)Straipsnyje, kuris apima filosofinius, komunikacinius ir edukologinius klausimus, plėtojamos šios tezės. 1. Akademinę laisvę puoselėjame pripažindami savo laisvių suvaržymus – tiek universiteto aplinkos, tiek formuotinos ... -
Akademinės teritorijos ir jų ribos
(Filosofija. Sociologija, 2013)Straipsnyje, remiantis ribų diskursu, komunikologijos prieigomis ir fenomenologijos nuostatomis, nagrinėjamos akademinės teritorijos ir jų ribos. Plėtojamos šios tezės: 1) akademininkas – dvigubas agentas, ne tik dirbdamas ... -
Akcelerometrijos taikymas žmogaus kūno pusiausvyros tyrimuose
(Sporto mokslas = Sport science, 2013)Šiame straipsnyje sudaryta žmogaus pusiausvyros parametrų įvertinimo metodika taikant akcelerometriją ir įvertinta fizinio krūvio įtaka žmogaus pusiausvyros parametrams. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti ir palyginti sveikų ... -
Algorithm of maximizing the set of common solutions for several MCDM problems and it’s application for security personnel scheduling
(International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC), 2014)The article deals with the task of elite selection of private security per- sonnel on the basis of objective and subjective criteria. One of the possible solutions of this multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem ... -
All bullshit and lies?: Insincerity, irresponsibility, and the judgment of untruthfulness
(Discourse & Society, 2023) -
An integrated approach to evaluating eco-innovation strategies from the perspective of strategic green transformation: A case of the Lithuanian furniture industry
(Sustainability: Special issue: Impact of creativity and Innovation on sustainable development, 2023)Evaluation and selection of eco-innovation strategies is a significant and complex strategic decision, and despite the relevance and interest in the field of eco-innovation, the area of eco-innovation strategies has not ... -
An integration of customer value and customer relationship in urban centres and peripheries: Research implications for business practice and business studies
(Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues: Special Issue, 2020)The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of customer values in building customer relationships with regard to the urban factor. This paper seeks to empirically explain how the urban factor affects customer ...