Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Evaluation of park and ride facilities at communication corridors in a middle-sized city 

      Palevičius, Vytautas; Sivilevičius, Henrikas; Podviezko, Askoldas; Griškevičiūtė-Gečienė, Aušrinė; Karpavičius, Tomas (Economic computation and economic cybernetics studies and research (ECECSR), 2017)
      Rapid rise in car ownership in cities of Lithuania, particularly in capital Vilnius, has multiplied continuous traffic jams in the streets of the city and thus increased necessity of development of effective urban solutions ...
    • Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo finansavimo problemos ir jų sprendimo kryptys 

      Tamašauskienė, Zita; Šileika, Algis; Smolenskienė, Fausta (Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos, 2008)
      Western European countries and Lithuania are moving towards mass higher education system. The total number o f students i n higher education i nsti­tutions i ncrea­sed 1.5 times during 2001–2007. Nevertheless, funding of ...
    • Rozwój turystyki na Wileńszczyźnie 

      Česnulevičius, Algimantas; Petkevičienė, Birutė (Problemy rozwoju turystyki na Wileńszczyźnie, Mazowszu, Podlasiu, Wołyniu i Podolu / Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego. T. VIII, 2006)
      In units offering accommodation services in Vilnius region in 2004 there were 10 173 beds, which amounts to 53% of overall accommodation services market. The level of occupancy of all units delivering accommodation services ...
    • The impact of the institutional environment on the economic development 

      Jankauskas, Vidmantas; Šeputienė, Janina (Ekonomika, 2009)
      Economic literature recognizes three “deep determinants” of economic development: institutions, geography and openness to trade. Discussion in the literature focuses on what part of the income per capita variation can be ...
    • The relation between social capital, governance and economic performance in Europe 

      Jankauskas, Vidmantas; Šeputienė, Janina (Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 2007)
      The literature on social capital stresses the relations between social capital (trust, social norms and networks) government effectiveness and economic performance. In empirical investigations the relationship between ...