Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A study of the applicability of waste catalyst in heat-resistant concrete 

      Pundienė, Ina; Goberis, Stasys Algimantas; Antonovič, Valentin; Stonys, Rimvydas (Refractories and industrial ceramics, 2006)
      The authors describe the results of studying medium-cement heat-resistant concrete with an additive of waste catalyst (WC) that is generated at oil-processing plants and compare them with traditional microsilica and reactive ...
    • Mažacemenčio kaitrai atsparaus betono su šamoto užpildu tyrimai 

      Goberis, Stasys Algimantas; Merlinskaja, Liudmila; Pundienė, Ina (Statyba = Civil engineering, 1999)
      The castables with low-cement and normal quantity cement in its composition physical and mechanical properties was investigated. Aggregates of recycled shamotte waste, which are characterised by high water absorption, were ...