Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Eu3+-doped Y3-xSMxAl5O12 garnet: synthesis and structural investigation 

      Pavasarytė, Lina; Katelnikovas, Artūras; Klimavičius, Vytautas; Balevičius, Vytautas; Momot, Aleksanndr; Hardy, An; Van Bael, Marlies; Kareiva, Aivaras (New journal of chemistry, 2018)
      Sm3+-Doped and Eu3+/Sm3+-co-doped yttrium aluminium garnets (YAG) have been synthesized by an environmentally friendly sol–gel method. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the powders sintered at 1000 1C ...