Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Effect of ultrafine additives on the morphology of cement hydration products 

      Yakovlev, Grigory; Drochytka, Rostislav; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Urkhanova, Larisa; Polyanskikh, Irina; Pudov, Igor; Karpova, Ekaterina; Saidova, Zarina; Elrefai, Ali E. M. M. (Crystals: Special Issue Advances in Cement-Based Composites and Novel Construction Products, 2021)
      The present research is focused on the investigation of the influence of ultrafine additives on the structure formation of hardened cement paste and the establishment of the mechanisms of the morphological transformations, ...
    • Hydration process and physical properties of cement systems modified by calcium chloride and multi-walled carbon nanotubes 

      Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Karpova, Ekaterina; Yakovlev, Grigory; NG, Pui Lam (Revista romana de materiale = Romanian journal of materials, 2019)
      The application of accelerating admixtures is required in construction work where fast-setting is required or in an environment of low temperature. This type of admixtures allows to regulate the setting and hardening time ...
    • Impact of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on wood sawdust extract cement mortar 

      Karpova, Ekaterina; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Yakovlev, Grigory; Kičaitė, Asta (Engineering structures and technologies, 2019)
      It is well known that organic waste materials deteriorate the performance of concrete. The impregnation of organic aggregates and their application in combination with other chemical admixtures and mineral additives are ...
    • Mechanical characteristics and ductility of glass fiber reinforced concrete with modified matrix 

      Moceikis, Rimvydas; Kičaitė, Asta; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Yakovlev, Grigory (Строительные материалы = Construction materials, 2018)
      Glass Fibre Reinforced concrete (GRC) is commonly used for production of various thin- walled concrete elements due to good flexural characteristics and high ductility. For decades, typical GRC matrix consisted of fine ...
    • Rheological properties of cement pastes with multiwalled carbon nanotubes 

      Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Karpova, Ekaterina; Barauskas, Irmantas; Bendoraitienė, Joana; Yakovlev, Grigory (Advances in materials science and engineering, 2018)
      The evaluation of rheological properties of cement systems is getting more relevant with growing interest to self-consolidating concrete (SCC), high-performance concrete (HPC) and ultrahigh-performance concrete (UHPC). The ...
    • Structural modification of new formations in cement matrix using carbon nanotubes dispersion and nanosilica 

      Khroustalev, Boris; Leonovich, Sergei; Yakovlev, Grigory; Polianskich, Irina; Lahayne, Olaf; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Pudov, Igor; Karpova, Ekaterina (Science & Technique = Наука и техника, 2017)
      Complex nanodispersed systems with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanodispersed silica have a significant impact on the processes of hydration, hardening and strength gain of construction composites predetermining their ...
    • The Construction ceramics modified by Dispersions of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 

      Yakovlev, Grigory I.; Mikhailov, Yury Olegovich; Ginchitskaya, Yu.N.; Kizinievič, Olga; Taibakhtina, P.A.; Balobanova, Yu.A. (Строительные материалы. Доклады IХ Международной конференции «Нанотехнологии в строительстве», 17–21 марта, 2017, Шарм-эль-Шейх, Египет = Construction materials. Reports of the International Conference "Nanotechnologies in construction", 17-21 March 2017, Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, 2017)
      The way of improvement of mechanical characteristic of construction ceramics by introduction of structure molding compound of Dispersions of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) is offered. This compounding material ...
    • The influence of plasticising admixtures on drying shrinkage of cementitious composites 

      Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Macijauskas, Mindaugas; Yakovlev, Grigory; Ignatyeva, Anastasiia (Engineering structures and technologies, 2018)
      This article presents a research into the impact of plasticising admixtures on drying shrinkage of cementitious composites by evaluating the effectiveness of plasticising. Materials used in the study: Portland cement CEM ...
    • Изменение реологических свойств наномодифицированных цементных систем во времени 

      Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Yakovlev, Grigory; Karpova, Ekaterina; Mohamed, Elfai Ali Elsaed (Промышленное и гражданское строительство, 2017)
      С ростом популярности монолитного строительства и повышения требований, предъявляемых к качеству бетонных смесей и бетонных конструкций, для специалистов-материаловедов актуальными остаются задачи, связанные с разработкой ...
    • Структурная модификация новообразований в цементной матрице дисперсиями углеродных нанотрубок и нанокремнеземом 

      Yakovlev, Grigory; Polianskich, Irina; Pervushin, Grigory; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Pudov, Igor; Karpova, Ekaterina (Строительные материалы. Доклады VIII Международной конференции «Нанотехнологии в строительстве», 12–16 марта, 2016, Шарм-эль-Шейх, Египет = Construction materials. Reports of the VIII International conference «Nanotechnologies in construction», 12–16 March, 2016, Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, 2016)
      Комплексные нанодисперсные системы с использованием многослойных углеродных нанотрубок и нанодисперсного кремнезема оказывают существенное влияние на процессы гидратации, схватывания и твердения строительных композитов, в ...