Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analysis of dynamic parameters of a linear positioning table system 

      Turla, Vytautas; Kilikevičius, Artūras; Jurevičius, Mindaugas; Fursenko, Antanas; Kilikevičienė, Kristina; Zhetessova, Gulnara; Zharkevich, Olga (Mechanika, 2020)
      In the paper, the spread of intensity of linear positioning table system vibrations is examined and an analysis of their parameters upon applying the theory of covariance functions is carried out. For the investigation, ...
    • Cement slurry from electro-phosphoric slag 

      Shaikezhan, A.; Anuarova, A. D.; Antonovič, Valentin (Magazine of civil engineering, 2020)
      Possibility to obtain high alite Portland cement of alternative raw materials was established by complete replacement of clay component with electro-phosphoric (EPS) slag. This technology allowed disposal of considerable ...
    • Анализ современных материалов для нанесения покрытий 

      Zhetessova, Gulnara; Škamat, Jelena; Nikonova, Tatyana; Zhunuspekov, Darhan; Mateshov, Arman (Упрочняющие технологии и покрытия, 2021)
      Рассмотрены основные материалы для нанесения покрытий. Приведены результаты исследований эксплуатационных характеристик покрытий из этих материалов.