Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Experimental investigation of the plant sorbents in comparison with Fibroil usable for runoff cleaning from petroleum products 

      Mažeikienė, Aušra; Švedienė, Sigita (Ekologija, 2014)
      The capability of organic (plant) sorbents: Club-rush and Lesser Bulrush (from the lake shore) for removal of petroleum products (PP) from runoff was investigated. Dynamic process was investigated using filters packed with ...
    • Oil removal from water by filtration 

      Mažeikienė, Aušra; Rimeika, Mindaugas; Švedienė, Sigita (Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management, 2014)
      Oil-contaminated water is most commonly treated with sorbent materials. In this experimental study, a fibrous sorbent material Fibroil was used. The experiment was carried out with tap water and clarified stormwater. It ...