Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Investment risk management and economic aspects of transport infrastructure development 

      Labanauskas, Gintautas; Palšaitis, Ramūnas (Transport and telecommunication, 2012)
      The major causes of investment riskiness into transport infrastructure relate to international economy instability, lack of clearly defined and accurate information on the overall processes of international intermodal ...
    • The comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Latvian transit transport 

      Palšaitis, Ramūnas; Bazaras, Darius; Labanauskas, Gintautas (Transport : journal of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2004)
      The results of the comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Latvian transit transport show that transit transport systems of these countries compete against each other. Latvia has evidently better developed harbours, which ...