Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • 137Cs in Lake Tapeliai, Lithuania 

      Moisejenkova, Anastasija; Tarasyuk, Nikolay; Daškevič, Eva; Maceika, Evaldas; Girgždys, Aloyzas (Lithuanian journal of physics, 2012)
      The results of an integrated study of the radiocesium behaviour in Lake Tapeliai by using not only conventional data on radiocesium activity concentrations in lake water and sediments but also a complex data set on seasonal ...
    • Characterization of aerosol sources at urban and background sites in Lithuania 

      Kvietkus, Kęstutis; Šakalys, Jonas; Garbarienė, Inga; Ovadnevaitė, Jurgita; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Špakauskas, Valdas (Lithuanian journal of physics, 2011)
      Size and composition real-time measurements of atmospheric submicron aerosol (PM1) were conducted in the Lithuanian background and urban areas during several months (April–July, 2008) using the Quadrupole aerosol mass ...
    • Derivatives of 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole as hole transporting materials 

      Daškevičienė, Marytė; Gaidelis, Valentas; Getautis, Vytautas; Jankauskas, Vygintas; Paliulis, Osvaldas; Sidaravičius, Donatas Jonas (Lithuanian Journal of Physics = Lietuvos fizikos žurnalas / Lithuanian Physical Society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2001)
      The new hole transporting materials with molecules consisting of two hydrazone branches linked with a flexible thiadiazole ring and two hydroxyl groups containing a central bridge were synthesized and investigated. These ...
    • Impact of krypton-85 Beta radiation on aerosol particle formation and transformation 

      Butkus, Donatas; Ulevičius, Vidmantas; Plauškaitė-Šukienė, Kristina; Girgždys, Aloyzas; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė; Špirkauskaitė, Narciza (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2009)
      In this study the effect of the air ionization by 85Kr beta radiation on the new particle formation and evolution of aerosol particle size distribution in the experimental chamber was investigated. During the experiments ...
    • Impact of the carrier heating kinetics on the multiple photomagnetoelectric effect pulsed photoresponse frequency spectra 

      Šatkovskis, Eugenijus; Kiprijanovič, Oleg (Lithuanian journal of physics, 2006)
      Multiple photomagnetoelectric response has been investigated in strongly excited narrow gap semiconductors. The response frequency spectra dependence on experimental parameters determining the carrier heating kinetics has ...
    • Influence of aerosol particle concentration on volumetric activities of indoor radon progeny 

      Jasaitis, Dainius; Girgždys, Aloyzas (Lithuanian journal of physics, 2011)
      The influence of aerosol particle concentration on changes of volumetric activities of radon short-lived decay products was investigated. Volumetric activities of radon short-lived products in accommodations under various ...
    • Influence of high-voltage transmission lines on pollutant concentration in nonurbanized areas 

      Vasiliauskienė, Vaida; Girgždienė, Raselė (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical Society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2008)
      The variations of ozone and aerosol particles as possible pollutants in the vicinity of high-voltage transmission lines are presented and discussed. The ozone, aerosol particle (D > 0.4 μm) number concentrations and ...
    • Influence of the beam aberrations and Kerr nonlinearity of medium on the effectiveness and pulse quality of SBS-compressor 

      Girdauskas, Valdas; Dementjev, Aleksandr; Kairytė, G.; Čiegis, Raimondas (Lietuvos fizikos žurnalas = Lithuanian Journal of Physics = Литовский физический журнал, 1997)
    • Investigations of various CW terahertz photomixers 

      Urbanovič, Andžej; Geižutis, Andrejus; Krotkus, Arūnas (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2009)
      Various cw terahertz (THz) photomixers were investigated and compared. Beams of two cw, tunable, single mode DFB (distributed feedback) diode lasers were used for illumination of the devices. Simple photoexcited gap ...
    • Optical properties of monoclinic In2Te5 

      Bendorius, Rimgaudas Adolfas; Rėza, Alfonsas; Verkelis, Jonas (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2006)
      Optical properties of semiconducting compound In2Te5 with monoclinic structure were investigated: absorption and photoluminescence near fundamental edge at 1.3-1.7 eV were registered and spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements ...
    • Phase and group velocities in the media with non-debye relaxation 

      Miškinis, Paulius (Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2005)
      Dispersion and absorption in the media with stretch exponential or Kohlrausch-Williams-Walts relaxation are considered. The frequency-dependent dispersion and absorption coefficients, phase and group velocities are obtained ...
    • Relationship of total ozone amount, UV radiation intensity, and the ground-level ozone concentration at rural Lithuanian sites 

      Chadyšienė, Renata; Girgždienė, Raselė; Girgždys, Aloyzas (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2008)
      The ultraviolet radiation intensity, the total ozone amount, and the ground-level ozone concentration are the three essential factors having impact on the vegetation, materials, the human health, and the atmospheric ...
    • Semiconductor materials for ultrafast optoelectronic applications 

      Krotkus, Arūnas; Bertulis, Klemensas Algimantas; Adomavičius, Ramūnas; Pačebutas, Vaidas; Geižutis, Andrejus (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2009)
      The paper presents a review of experimental investigations of various semiconductor materials used for the development of ultrafast optoelectronic devices activated by femtosecond laser pulses that have been performed at ...
    • Simulation of traffic pollution dispersion near roadways 

      Martinėnas, Bronislovas; Špakauskas, Valdas (Lithuanian journal of physics / Lithuanian Physical society, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2010)
      A semi-empirical model intended for simulation of dispersion of aerosol particles with the diameter larger than 0.05 mu m near roadways is proposed. The pollution source is simulated as a cut-off cylinder, formed due to ...
    • Simulation of traffic-related aerosol dispersion 

      Špakauskas, Valdas; Melichov, Dmitrij (Lithuanian journal of physics, 2012)
      This paper presents a quasi-empirical model of the distribution of pollutant particles along the roadway. By modelling the source of the pollutant as a cut-off cylinder we assume that aerosol particles (of 0.3–15 μm in ...
    • Van Der Pauw method application for anisotropically conductive medium 

      Kleiza, Jonas; Kleiza, Vytautas (Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 2005)
      The paper deals with the ways of finding an electrical conductivity tensor of a plane and anisotropically conductive sample. Application of the van der Pauw method to investigate the conductivity of anisotropically conductive ...
    • Анизотропия свойств тонких проводящих пленок металлов 

      Žilinskas, Ramutis Antanas; Ivašauskas, Algis; Kleiza, Vytautas; Kleiza, Jonas (Lietuvos fizikos žurnalas = Lithuanian Journal of Physics = Литовский физический журнал / Lietuvos fizikų draugija, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, Lietuvos aukštosios mokyklos, 1997)
      During the growth of thin conducting films on dielectric substrates under the action of an electric field E, a transverse voltage U/sub / occurs in the substrate plane. When the field E acts upon net-like or continuous ...