Now showing items 1-20 of 27

    • Algae cell wall disruption by electrohydraulic shock 

      Borodinas, Sergejus; Vasiljev, Piotr; Bareikis, Regimantas; Struckas, Arūnas; Kasperovičienė, Jūratė (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      Biofuel production from algae oil is one of the most attractive process technologies. Few principles of algae cell disruption are presented on the market and introduced on the conference. Mainly, mechanical, thermal and ...
    • An objective evaluation of healthy human upper extremity motions 

      Linkel, Artūras; Griškevičius, Julius; Daunoravičienė, Kristina (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      This paper presents an investigation of quality evaluation of human upper extremity motions by introducing a new methodology. The VICON motion capturing system was applied to evaluate the kinematics of the upper extremity. ...
    • Circular-linear model of the force of dry friction 

      Ragulskis, Kazimieras; Bubulis, Algimantas; Maskeliūnas, Rimas; Paškevičius, P.; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas (Mathematical models in engineering, 2018)
      In the numerical methods taking into account the force of dry friction numerical approximation is used when performing calculations. Circular-linear approximation for the local transition region is recommended. Results of ...
    • Comparison of hysteresis of high accuracy positioning system with piezoelectric actuators 

      Čereška, Audrius; Maskeliūnas, Rimas; Ragulskienė, Jūratė; Lu, Guang Qing (Journal of vibroengineering, 2017)
      In the paper, high accuracy positioning systems with flexible elements are investigated. In the analyzed systems, piezoelectric actuators are used for the transmission of motion and the hystereric phenomenon in them is ...
    • Cylindrical piezorobot’s trajectory planning and control 

      Janutėnaitė-Bogdanienė, Jūratė; Mačerauskas, Eugenijus; Drukteinienė, Asta; Kulvietis, Genadijus; Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras (Journal of vibroengineering, 2017)
      This paper analyses the movement of piezoelectric actuator. The goal of this work was to create an algorithm for trajectory planning of piezorobot, create a system for trajectory control, develop software and verify the ...
    • Dynamic research of angle measurement comparator 

      Kasparaitis, Albinas; Kilikevičius, Artūras; Vėžys, Joris; Prokopovič, Valdemar (Journal of vibroengineering, 2014)
      The main aim of the research is to determine (by experiment) the dynamic characteristics of angle comparator carriage on which optical system is attached on it and to compare the experiment with the results obtained by ...
    • Effects of urban rail noise level in a residential area 

      Grubliauskas, Raimondas; Strukčinskienė, Birutė; Raistenskis, Juozas; Selevičienė, Vaiva; Buckus, Raimondas; Januševičius, Tomas; da Silva Pereira, Paulo Alexandre (Journal of vibroengineering, 2014)
      Transport, including railways, is one of the main sources of noise, with a particularly strong negative impact on the environment, and on the health of children and adults. Train noise depends on the types of trains, ...
    • Error modelling of optical encoders based on Moiré effect 

      Barakauskas, Algimantas; Barauskas, Rimantas; Kasparaitis, Albinas; Kaušinis, Saulius; Jakštas, Aurimas (Journal of vibroengineering, 2017)
      In this study new numerical models were developed and applied to the analysis of the performance of precision optical encoder operating in non-ideal environments. Numerical simulation and experimental examination of ...
    • Excitation of 2D resonant oscillations in piezoelectric plate with additional masses 

      Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Navickaitė, Sigita; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Mažeika, Dalius; Žvironienė, Aušra (Journal of vibroengineering, 2017)
      This article presents results of investigation of piezoelectric transducer which consists of rectangle homogeneous piezoceramic plate with two additional masses glued on the top surface of the transducer. Because of ...
    • Fine trajectory planning method for mobile piezorobots 

      Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Drukteinienė, Asta; Kulvietis, Genadijus; Mačerauskas, Eugenijus; Janutėnaitė-Bogdanienė, Jūratė; Mažeika, Dalius (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      New trajectory planning method for mobile piezorobots is presented in this paper. Non‑rotated mobile piezorobots must move by the given trajectory at the maximum speed and precisely replicate the given path. Two segments ...
    • Investigation of armature-rail interaction in linear electromagnetic launcher 

      Račkauskas, Justinas; Kačianauskas, Rimantas; Schneider, Markus (Journal of vibroengineering, 2018)
      The behavior of the electromagnetic (EM) launcher depends on the structure of the construction. The dynamics of the EM construction and the local effects of the EM forces are topical issue in exploring and designing EM ...
    • Investigation of impact motions in elements of manipulators and robots 

      Ragulskis, Kazimieras; Spruogis, Bronislovas; Mištinas, Vygantas; Matuliauskas, Arvydas; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas (Mathematical models in engineering, 2021)
      Impact interactions take place in the process of dynamic behavior in the elements of manipulators and robots. Their precise investigation is an important engineering problem. A model having one degree of freedom with forced ...
    • Investigation of recoil force influence on dynamic parameters of carrier M113 

      Jonevičius, Vaclovas; Lipinskis, Tadas; Skrickij, Viktor; Pincevičius, Albertas (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      Dynamic processes of the armored personnel carrier M113 are investigated in this paper. The model of the system is reduced to seven degrees of freedom (DOF). Six schemes of different integrations were investigated; it was ...
    • Manipulators with two levels of friction control between links, implemented using piezoelectric transducers, oscillating in burst type excitation mode 

      Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Kulvietis, Genadijus (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      The paper discusses the results of development and investigation of the new class of multi‑degree‑of‑freedom robots, based on new concept. Classical rule of Robotics – the number of degree‑of‑freedom of robot should be ...
    • Measurement of plane vibrations of a two dimensional elastic structure 

      Maskeliūnas, Rimas; Ragulskis, Kazimieras; Paškevičius, Petras; Patašienė, Laima; Pauliukas, Arvydas; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas (Journal of measurements in engineering, 2015)
      Plane vibrations of a two dimensional elastic structure are analyzed in this paper. The vibrations taking place according to the eigenmode are represented by using the method of stroboscopic geometric moiré. This requires ...
    • Measurement of vibrations of a wing 

      Maskeliūnas, Vytautas; Maskeliūnas, Rimas; Paškevičius, Paulius; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas (Journal of measurements in engineering, 2016)
      In the paper vibrations of a wing are investigated experimentally by using the method of time averaged projection moiré. Experimental setup is developed and the results obtained by using the experimental procedure are ...
    • Piezoelectric actuator with traveling wave waveguide 

      Čeponis, Andrius; Mažeika, Dalius; Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Bakanauskas, Vytautas (Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016)
      A novel design of traveling wave piezoelectric actuator with a special waveguide is investigated in the paper. Actuator consists of cylinder type waveguide and piezo ceramic ring. Waveguide has conical hole inside. Such ...
    • Piezoelectric kinematic pairs with several DOF in miniature high-resolution piezoelectric robots 

      Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Kulvietis, Genadijus; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Janutėnaitė-Bogdanienė, Jūratė (Journal of vibroengineering, 2017)
      This paper presents results on the development and investigation of new miniature robots with increased number of degrees of freedom, based on the application of piezoelectric kinematic pairs with multi-DOF. The schematics ...
    • Piezoelectric laser beam deflector for space applications 

      Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Navickaitė, Sigita; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Mačiukienė, Kristina; Kulvietis, Genadijus; Mažeika, Dalius (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      Optical beam deflectors are used to control direction of the optical beam therefore accuracy of the optical system strongly depends on dynamic characteristic of the deflector. Three degrees of freedom (3DOF) piezoelectric ...
    • Piezoelectric mirror with an active kinematic pair 

      Mažeika, Dalius; Bansevičius, Ramutis Petras; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Bakanauskas, Vytautas; Kulvietis, Genadijus (Journal of vibroengineering, 2016)
      Accuracy of laser optical beam steering strongly depends on dynamic characteristics of the positioning mechanism of the mirror. Novel design of the beam steering mirror with an integrated piezoelectric active kinematic ...