Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Development of Lithuania's transport infrastructure: based on European Union funds 

      Skerys, Kęstutis; Christauskas, Julius (Mikroekonomiczne aspekty europejskich stosunków gospodarczych problemy praktyki, 2005)
      The paper presents an analysis of the transport infrastructure projects co-financed by European Union funds, which are ongoing and are planned for implementation in the future. The first road projects were implemented under ...
    • Koleje Litwy w sieci transportowej Europy 

      Sakalauskas, Kazys; Podagėlis, Igoris; Christauskas, Julius (Integracja Europejska w międzynarodowej perpektywie wybrane problemy, 2005)
      Up till joining EU, the Baltic States and Poland have been focussing the main investment on the east-west transport corridors. From 1st May 2004, after accession of these countries to EU, the north-south direction has ...