Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Creation of Web 2.0 tools ontology to improve learning 

      Kurilov, Jevgenij; Juškevičienė, Anita (Computers in human behavior, 2015)
      The aim of the paper is to present systematic review results on ontology development tools, to establish interconnections between learning styles, preferred learning activities and related Web 2.0 tools, and also to create ...
    • Optimization of tall guyed masts using genetic algorithms 

      Belevičius, Rimantas; Jatulis, Donatas; Šešok, Dmitrij (Engineering structures, 2013)
      The aim of the article is to describe the procedure for mixed topology-size optimization of tall guyed masts, seeking the minimal mast weight with stochastic genetic algorithms. Given the height, geometrical in-plan and ...
    • Recommending suitable learning scenarios according to learners' preferences: an improved swarm based approach 

      Kurilov, Jevgenij; Žilinskienė, Inga; Dagienė, Valentina (Computers in human behavior, 2014)
      The paper presents a new approach for recommending suitable learning paths for different learners groups. Selection of the learning path is considered as recommendations to choosing and combining the sequences of learning ...
    • Web 3.0 - based personalisation of learning objects in virtual learning environments 

      Kurilov, Jevgenij; Kubilinskienė, Svetlana; Dagienė, Valentina (Computers in human behavior, 2014)
      The paper aims at research on Web 3.0 – based personalisation of learning objects (LOs) while learning in virtual learning environments. Learning personalisation is analysed in terms of suitability of LOs and VLEs to ...