Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • A system of indicators for the evaluation of sustainable urban development 

      Burinskienė, Marija; Ušpalytė-Vitkūnienė, Rasa (Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit : integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea region, 2004)
      This paper presents a system of indicators which may be used in attempts to evaluate efforts related to sustainable urban development.
    • An investigation into orimulsion ash properties 

      Petraitis, Egidijus; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit : Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea region, 2004)
    • Aufgaben Litauens im Hinblick auf Raumplanung und Badenrecht 

      Malienė, Vida; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras (Les régions en face de l'aménagement du territoire, du droit du foncier et de la protection de l'environnement : 31e Symposium International FESF Strasbourg, 2002)
    • Chloride and sodium concentrations in snow cover on roadsides of highway Panevėžys - Šiauliai in Lithuania 

      Kazlauskienė, Agnė; Baltrėnas, Pranas (Sustainable Development in the Baltic and Beyond: Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit: Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability, 2006)
      This paper presents data on chloride and sodium concentrations inthe snow cover on the roadside of the highway Panevėžys - Šiauliai.
    • Creative society: concepts and problems 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Cultura: international journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, 2015)
      The article deals with the concepts and problems of creative society. The author analyses the postmodern, post-industrial, post-rational, post-democratic, post-economic, post-capitalistic distinctiveness of creative society. ...
    • Cultural crisis as a decline in human existential creativity 

      Asakavičiūtė, Vaida (Cultura. International journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, 2018)
      The article analyzes cultural crisis as a decline in human existential creativity. A review of the problematic nature of the conception of creativity shows that this concept is not strictly defined. Non-classical philosophers ...
    • Ethical-cultural maps of classical Greek philosophy: the contradiction between nature and civilization in ancient cynicism 

      Valatka, Vytis; Asakavičiūtė, Vaida (Cultura. International journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, 2019)
      This article restores the peculiar ethical-cultural cartography from the philosophical fragments of Ancient Greek Cynicism. Namely, the fragments of Anthistenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Crates, Dio Chrysostom as well as of the ...
    • Expression of citizenship and nationality in the education system of Lithuania 

      Grincevičienė, Vilija; Asakavičiūtė, Vaida; Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė, Živilė (Cultura. International journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, 2021)
      The European Union policy is geared towards fostering the diversity of cultural expression in its member states. Globalisation, cosmopolitanism and increasing mobility of the population have been destroying the fundamental ...
    • Generation Z: Modus Vivendi (The Case of Lithuania) 

      Targamadzė, Vilija; Asakavičiūtė, Vaida; Grincevičienė, Vilija (Cultura. International journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, 2020)
      The novelty of this paper is that modus vivendi of 13-14 year old teenagers is viewed from the perspective of the new generation Z teachers. Teachers, belonging to the same generation as students, participated in the ...
    • Measuring heavy metal accumulation in tree rings 

      Butkus, Donatas; Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, Edita (Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit : Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea region, 2004)
    • Neue Möglichkeiten des alten Musters: zu einigen Wortbildungstendenzen in der deutschen und litauischen Mediensprache 

      Račienė, Ernesta (Bildungswissenschaft auf der Suche nach globaler Identität = Educational sciences in search of global identity / Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (Hrsg./ed.), Algirdas Gaižutis und Airi Liimets. Vol. 26, 2013)
    • The research of biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal from the waste water using new wastewater treatment technology 

      Vabolienė, Giedrė; Matuzevičius, Algirdas Bronislovas (Sustainable Development in the Baltic and Beyond: Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit: Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability / University of Latvia, Riga, 2006)
      Nitrogen and phosphorus removal is necessary to avoid eutrophication of water bodies. "BioBalance" technology as the newest way for nitrogen and phosphorus removal has been applied at Utena Waste Water Treatment Plant in ...
    • The role of unrealized architectural projects in the development of the conscious society: Lithuanian case 

      Gudelytė-Račienė, Indrė (Denk- und Lernkulturen im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs = Cultures of Thinking and Learning in the Scientific Discourse / Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (Hrsg./ed.), 2017)
      Looking at the concept of the conscious society through the lens of architecture, the article raises the following questions: what in such a context is the conscious society and social selfconsciousness; what ways and ...
    • The visual turn in academic research and university study programs in Lithuania 

      Juzefovič, Agnieška (Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, 2016)
      Visual turn and replacement of linear sequential communication with visual analogues cause growing variety of scopic regimes and interest in the topic of visuality. This interest is particularly apparent in Lithuanian ...
    • Visual communication in the politico-cultural sphere 

      Stasiulis, Nerijus (Cultura. International journal of philosophy of culture and axiology, 2020)
      The article reviews the developing studies of visuality with respect to their own focus on cultural and political fields in which visual communication unfolds. I found that that some of the academic interests related to ...
    • Waste mangement in protected areas 

      Vasarevičius, Saulius (Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit : Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea region, 2004)