Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Experience of establishing and accrediting of a joint degree study programme 

      Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas; Bučinskas, Vytautas (Global Journal of Engineering Education, 2016)
      Accreditation is a process to evaluate the standard of academic institutions around the world. Higher education programme accreditation is a type of quality assurance process, under which services and operations concerning ...
    • Higher education internationalisation beyond 2015 

      Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas (Global Journal of Engineering Education, 2015)
      Where is European higher education heading? Wh ich of the current challenges will persist beyond 2015 or 2020? What opportunities are there in an increasingly globalised w orld? Since the signing of Bologna Declaration in ...
    • Reforms of higher education and current engineering education developments in Lithuania 

      Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas; Valiulis, Donatas (Global Journal of Engineering Education, 2010)
      Higher education reform is dealt with in this article, in addition o the international and internal factors that influence engineering following the adoption in Lithuania of the new Law on Higher Education and Research. ...
    • Searching for residual stress measurement methods for structural steel components 

      Jurčius, Aurimas; Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas (World transactions on engineering and technology education (WTE&TE), 2013)
      Many of engineering graduates’ generic skills can only be developed by experiential learning. The main opportunity for acquiring these skills is the final thesis and this article focuses on some work carried out by students. ...
    • Students and academic staff international mobility - a supplementary tool for better learning 

      Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas (World transactions on engineering and technology education (WTE&TE), 2013)
      For the past several years European higher education institutions (HEIs) have been increasingly facing the need to create a more diverse range of international activities. Universities are searching for new internationalisation ...