Moksliniai ir apžvalginiai straipsniai / Research and Review Articles: Recent submissions
Dabar rodomi įrašai 41-60 iš 16505
Drone-based vertical atmospheric temperature profiling in urban environments /
(Drones., 2023.)The accurate and detailed measurement of the vertical temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind profiles of the atmosphere is pivotal for high-resolution numerical weather prediction, the determination of atmospheric ... -
Elektrinio verpimo taikymas audinių inžinerijoje
(Inžinerinės ir edukacinės technologijos = Engineering and educational technologies, 2023)Audinių inžinerija ir regeneracinė medicina sparčiai vystosi, padedant žmonėms, kenčiantiems nuo audinių praradimo ir pažeidimų. Elektrinis verpimas yra vienas iš pažangiausių dirbtinių audinių gamybos būdų, kai naudojant ... -
Development and integration of patient-reported measures into e-health system: Pilot feasibility study /
(Healthcare: Patient-Reported Measures., 2023.)Patient-centered care is recognized as a key element in recent healthcare management strategies. However, the integrated collection of patient feedback capturing the entire journey of patients with complex medical conditions ... -
Šilumos mainų atviruose šaldytuvuose skaitmeninio modeliavimo metodika
(Inžinerinės ir edukacinės technologijos = Engineering and educational technologies, 2023)Straipsnyje pateikiama šilumos srautų atviruose šaldytuvuose su oro užuolaida skaitmeninio tyrimo metodika, sudaryta supaprastinto 2D CFD modelio pagrindu. Metodika skirta tirti ir projektuoti atvirus šaldytuvus pagal ISO ... -
Elektronikoje naudojamų kaištinių aušinimo radiatorių aušinimo efektyvumo tyrimas: Eksperimentiniai tyrimai ir jų rezultatų palyginimas su skaitmeninio modeliavimo rezultatais
(Inžinerinės ir edukacinės technologijos = Engineering and educational technologies, 2023)Straipsnyje pateikti elektronikos komponentams aušinti naudojamų kaištinių radiatorių eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai gauti sukurtame vėjo tunelyje-stende, skirtame darbinėmis sąlygomis imituoti. Palyginamas 2-jų radiatorių ... -
Determination of the impact of high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields on the release of damage-associated molecular pattern molecules
(International journal of molecular sciences, 2023)High-Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (HI-PEMF) treatment is an emerging noninvasive and contactless alternative to conventional electroporation, since the electric field inside the tissue is induced remotely by an ... -
Heideggerio nihilizmo įveikos perspektyvos dialoge su Rytų Azijos mąstymo tradicijomis /
(Problemos., 2023.)Straipsnyje analizuojamos nihilizmo įveikos (Verwindung) perspektyvos aptariant Heideggerio santykį su Rytų Azijos mąstymo tradicijomis (pirmiausia čan / zen ir daoizmu). Filosofo apibrėžtos moder-niosios technikos esmės ... -
Automated system-level malware detection using machine learning: A comprehensive review /
(Applied sciences: Special issue: Security challenges for the internet of things and mobile networks., 2023.)Malware poses a significant threat to computer systems and networks. This necessitates the development of effective detection mechanisms. Detection mechanisms dependent on signatures for attack detection perform poorly due ... -
An empirical analysis of the Lithuanian and Polish normative requirements and their influence on the payback of a thermo-insulation layer of an external wall detail
(Technical transactions = Czasopismo techniczne, 2015)The article provides the empirical analysis of thermo-insulation layer thickness (expanded polystyrene – EPS70) of the typical wall detail and its investment payback period in the traditional new construction single-apartment ... -
Antibiotic resistance in patients with liver cirrhosis: Prevalence and current approach to tackle.
(World journal of clinical cases, 2023)Regardless of etiology, complications with bacterial infection in patients with cirrhosis are reported in the range of 25%-46% according to the most recent data. Due to frequent episodes of bacterial infection and repetitive ... -
Susceptibility of various human cancer cell lines to nanosecond and microsecond range electrochemotherapy: Feasibility of multi-drug cocktails /
(International journal of pharmaceutics., 2023.)Electrochemotherapy (ECT) involves combining anticancer drugs with electroporation, which is induced by pulsed electric fields (PEFs), while the effects vary in effectiveness based on the specific parameters of the electrical ... -
Effects of nanosecond pulsed electric field on immune checkpoint receptors in melanoma cells
(Pharmaceuticals: A Commemorative Special Issue in Honor of Prof. Jolanta Saczko: Pharmaceutical Science in Electrochemotherapy, 2023)Checkpoint molecules such as PD-1, LAG-3, and TIM-3 are currently under extensive investigation for their roles in the attenuation of the immune response in cancer. Various methods have been applied to overcome the challenges ... -
The influence of intake valve close timing on the environmental performance of a spark ignition engine using gasoline and natural gas
(Transport problems = Problemy transportu, 2023)The tightening of environmental requirements has forced car manufacturers to look for various ways to reduce exhaust gas emissions. The existing structural solutions of internal combustion engines allow this type of pollution ... -
Experimental studies of the sound scattering coefficient of the diffuser in the reverberation chamber
(Environmental and climate technologies, 2023)Wood charcoal is a sustainable, renewable, and environmentally friendly material with the use that the acoustic device can produce. Charcoal made of wood waste materials allows for improving indoor acoustical quality. ... -
Lessons in linguistics with ChatGPT: Metapragmatics, metacommunication, metadiscourse and metalanguage in human-AI interactions
(Language & communication, 2023)This paper discusses metalanguage, metadiscourse, metacommunication and metapragmatics testifying to users' conscious awareness enacted in human-AI interactions, based on a corpus of posts sent to Reddit's r/ChatGPT. The ... -
Characteristics and functionality of cantilevers and scanners in atomic force microscopy
(Materials, 2023)In this paper, we provide a systematic review of atomic force microscopy (AFM), a fast-developing technique that embraces scanners, controllers, and cantilevers. The main objectives of this review are to analyze the available ... -
The multilingualism: Language and cultural identity
(Logos, 2023)The article considers the relationship between multilingualism and cultural identity. The focus is on the social status of spoken languages and cultural identity. Cultural identity is looked upon as a complex notion which ... -
Using system dynamics to examine effects of satisfaction with PV systems, advertising, and competition on energy security and CO2 emissions in Jordan
(Sustainability: Special issue: Smart solutions and technologies for energy efficiency and sustainable buildings, 2023)With rapid technology advancements in renewable energy systems, rooftop photovoltaic (PV) products and systems can be considered a crucial element in the transition toward energy sustainability in residential buildings. ... -
Circular economy practices as a tool for sustainable development in the context of renewable energy: What are the opportunities for the EU? /
(Oeconomia copernicana: Instytut Badań Gospodarczych / Institute of Economic Research., 2023.)Research background: In order to tackle climate change and ensure Paris agreements are met, countries are forced to look for alternative ways of producing, consuming, and wasting and adopt a circular economy. Reduction of ... -
Nauja architektūra saugomose teritorijose /
(Logos., 2023.)Naujos architektūros koncepcijos jau esamoje senojoje aplinkoje atsirado ir koreliavo su samprata bei suvokimu, kad esami seni pastatai yra praeities reliktai ir jie vertingi ateičiai tokie, kokie išliko. Šiai sampratai ...