Dabar rodomi įrašai 161-173 iš 173

    • Functional antigen processing and presentation mechanism as a prerequisite factor of response to treatment with dendritic cell vaccines and anti-PD-1 in preclinical murine LLC1 and GL261 tumor models (Apr, 10.1007/s00262-022-03190-9, 2022) 

      Žilionytė, Karolina; Bagdzevičiūtė, Ugnė; Mlynska, Agata; Urbštaitė, Elena; Paberalė, Emilija; Dobrovolskiene, Neringa; Krasko, Jan Aleksander; Pašukonienė, Vita (Cancer immunology immunotherapy, 2022)
      The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The given and family names of authors were Interchanged.
    • Remembering Gunnar Kulldorff (1927–2015) 

      Pumputis, Dalius; Čiginas, Andrius (Lietuvos statistikos darbai, 2021)
      A short message is dedicated to professor Gunnar Kulldorff who was the founder of the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics, and the President of the International Statistical Institute.
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2022)
      Introduction to the 85th issue of the International Associaition of the Survey Statisticians newsletter The Survey Statistician describing contents of the issue.
    • Smart and sustainable transport: short review of the special issue 

      Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan; Chitturi, Madhav V; Prentkovskis, Olegas (Transport : special issue on smart and sustainable transport, 2015)
    • Decision making methods and applications in civil engineering 

      Antuchevičienė, Jurgita; Kala, Zdeněk; Marzouk, Mohamed; Vaidogas, Egidijus Rytas (Mathematical problems in engineering, 2015)
    • Gyvenimas ir universitetas 

      Bogdevičius, Marijonas (Bronislovas Spruogis : biografinė apybraiža ir literatūros rodyklė / Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas. Biblioteka; sudarė Ona Juršaitė, 2003)
    • Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Journal of Civil Engineering and Management: editor’s introduction 

      Kaklauskas, Artūras; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras; Ubartė, Ieva (Journal of civil engineering and management, 2022)
      Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Journal of Civil Engineering and Management: editor’s introduction. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 28(1), 1–5.
    • Selected papers from the 13th international conference BIOMDLORE 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania 

      Griškevičius, Julius (Technology and health care, 2022)
      This special section in Technology and Health Care contains a collection of selected papers from 13th International Conference BIOMDLORE 2021, which was held on 21–23 October 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
    • Sustainable construction engineering and management 

      Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras; Antuchevičienė, Jurgita; Hosseini, M. Reza; Martek, Igor (Sustainability: Special issue: Sustainable construction engineering and management, 2021)
      The Special Issue covers sustainability as an emerging requirement in the fields of construction management, project management and engineering. We invited authors to submit their theoretical or experimental research ...
    • Visual frames 

      Dijokienė, Dalia (VADEMECUM. 77 Minor terms for writing urban places, 2021)
      Žodyne pateikiamas sąvokos Visual frames (vizualinis kadras) termino išaiškinimas
    • Townscape 

      Alistratovaitė-Kurtinaitienė, Inesa (VADEMECUM. 77 Minor terms for writing urban places, 2021)
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2021)
      Pristatomas leidinio turinys: straipsniai apie tai, kad statistikos erą keičia duomenų era; apie mašininį mokymo galimybes tikimybinių imčių tyrimuose; apie ne ėmimo sukeltas paklaidas vertinant socialinės nelygybės ...
    • Letter from the editors 

      Krapavickaitė, Danutė; Rancourt, Eric (The survey statistician, 2021)
      Tai yra Tarptautinio statistikos instituto (ISI) statistinių tyrimų asociacijos (IASS) naujienlaiškio "The Survey Statistician" redaktorių pratarmė. Leidinys turi šias sekcijas: Paklauskite ekspertų; Nauji ir aktualūs ...