• MO – muziejus šalia miesto vartų 

      Traškinaitė, Dalia (Archiforma, 2018)
      When a new building appears in town, it always gets people talking, especially if it is a public building. Discussions and conversations about the Mo Museum of Modern Art, which was born out of V. and D. Butkus’s idea to ...
    • Mobiliojo ryšio operatoriaus aptarnavimo salonas 

      Nekrošius, Liutauras (Archiforma, 2009)
      The showrooms realised in compliance with the new conception bear resemblance to self-service stations and "playgrounds". Showroom furniture and equipment are decorated with comb elements representing mobile communication ...
    • Nacionalinis fizinių ir technologinių mokslų centras 

      Traškinaitė, Dalia (Archiforma, 2016)
      This is the largest and most modern centre for physical and chemical sciences and technology research in Lithuania and the Baltic states. The new science complex in Saulėtekis is slowly nearing completion and its overall ...
    • Naujieji miesteliai Lietuvoje XX a. 7-8 dešimtmečiais 

      Nekrošius, Liutauras (Archiforma, 2006)
      The article aims to review the main conditions that determined the presumptions of small towns’ systematic appearance and development in Lithuania. The development was influenced by the Land Reforms in 1919-1939, 1940 and ...
    • Nematoma architektūra, kurią pastebėjo architektūros studentai 

      Traškinaitė, Dalia (Archiforma, 2018)
      This year, the contest-exhibition, held for the fourth time, invited architecture students to notice, perceive and experience invisible architecture. According to the organiser A. Novickas (aided by L. Puipienė and V. ...
    • Open House Vilnius 

      Traškinaitė, Dalia (Archiforma, 2017)
    • Palio Kaunas 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Archiforma, 2002)
    • Paminklas Jadvygai ir Jogailai Budapešte 

      Nekrošius, Liutauras (Archiforma, 2013)
    • Parduotuvė " Aukso centras " Vilniuje 

      Riaubienė, Edita (Archiforma, 2001)
    • Park Town biurų pastatas 

      Traškinaitė, Dalia (Archiforma, 2016)
      The volume of the Park Town stage A building was affected by the shape of the lot as well as the preexisting development - based on the lot, perpendicular to the Lvovo st., an oblong, rectangular volume is formed. The ...
    • „Park Town“ biurų pastatas 

      Traškinaitė, Dalia (Archiforma, 2019)
      The volume of the Park Town building was affected by the shape of the lot as well as the pre-existing development – based on the lot, perpendicular to the Lvovo st., an oblong, rectangular volume is formed. The building ...
    • Pašilaičių parapinė bažnyčia Vilniuje 

      Reklaitė, Julija (Archiforma, 2008)
      One of the most telling changes that mark Lithuanian architecture of the recent 18 years is related to construction of new churches. The competition of architectural tenders tor Pašilaičiai Parish Church was participated ...
    • Pašnekovai: Andrus Koresaar ir Raivo Kotov 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Archiforma, 2000)
    • Pašnekovas: Andris Kronbergs 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Archiforma, 2004)
      Andris Kronbergs gimė 1951 m. 1975-aisiais baigė Rygos politechnikos instituto Architektūros ir civilinės statybos fakultetą. Architekto veiklą pradėjo 1974 m. architektu techniku "Pilsetprojects" projektavimo institute. ...
    • Pašnekovas: Harry Gugger 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas; Mikėnaitė, P. (Archiforma, 2000)
      Harry Gugger: as an architect you always have to compromise. You are not working out of your own in a commission with a client. So you are never happy because you will die and life is going beyond, you know. But you are ...
    • Pašnekovas: Kristian Mikael Frederiksen 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Archiforma, 2003)
    • Pašnekovas: Mario Botta 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Archiforma, 2004)
      Mario Botta gimė Mendrisio mieste, Šveicarijoje, 1943 metais. Mokėsi Milano meno licėjuje, vėliau, 1965-1969 metais, studijavo architektūrą Venecijos architektūros universitete. Tuo pat metu jam teko dirbti Le Corbusier ...
    • Pašnekovas: Raphael Pistilli 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Archiforma, 2001)