Now showing items 224-243 of 334

    • Ryšiai su užsieniu 

      Valiulis, Algirdas Vaclovas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Scenario planning methodology 

      Medeišis, Artūras; Dirk-Oliver von der Emden, - (Cognitive radio policy and regulation, 2014)
      This section outlines ideas for the application of scenario planning methodology to the realm of CR. It first reviews some basic principles involved with scenario planning. Then it proceeds with discussing possible avenues ...
    • Selection of grass vegetation species resistant to road maintenance salts 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Kazlauskienė, Agnė (Phytoremediation: the green salvation of the world / ed. J.P Navarro-Avino: Chapter 1, 2009)
      To maintain safety during winter, deicing salt (sodium chloride) is sprinkled over roads. Snow mixed with highway salt later is cleared by snowploughs and usually left on roadsides where trees are planted. On conifers, ...
    • Shaping spaces of shared experience: creative practices and temporal communities 

      Lavrinec, Jekaterina; Zaporozhets, Oksana (Urban public space: facing the challenges of mobility and aestheticization, 2013)
    • Short-term exchange of staff among multiple international campuses: a report 

      Girdzijauskaitė, Eglė; Coelen, Robert (Aspects of internationalisation of higher education at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences / edited by Robert Coelen, 2018)
    • Similar aims, different approaches: An analysis of campaign video ads in the Baltic States 

      Šuminas, Andrius; Pričins, Mārtiņš; Toode, Ülle; Zamauskė, Justina (The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the time of populism and social media, 2022)
      This chapter examines the campaign in a geographical area with a shared political history—the three Baltic member states. What emerges is a similar pattern of campaigning to that experienced elsewhere in the EU with certain ...
    • Simulation and visualization of discrete particles on clusters, grids and clouds 

      Kačeniauskas, Arnas; Pacevič, Ruslan (Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series. CSETS: 40. Advances in parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing for engineering: The Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering held in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Pecs, ´Hungary from 30-31 May 2017, 2017)
      This paper presents the development of parallel algorithms and visualization techniques for particle systems simulated by the discrete element method on clusters, grids and clouds. The dynamic domain decomposition strategies ...
    • Skaičiavimo centras 

      Kutas, Remigijus (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Smart house: data gathering and analysis 

      Lepkova, Natalija (Who runs the world: data, 2020)
      In modern society, the concept of “smart house” is increasingly being heard. At present, it is generally acceptable that a smart house has efficient building management, local management and business management systems. A ...
    • Smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija / 

      Matekonienė, Jūratė,; Mačerinskienė, Irena,; Darulis, Arvydas,; Jokšienė, Izolda,; Railienė, Ginta, (Ilgalaikė Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija / Lietuvos Respublikos ūkio ministerija, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas ; sudarytojas Algimantas Liekis., 2002.)
      Smulkusis ir vidutinis verslas (SW) - vienas iš pagrindinių, ekonomikos augimo veiksnių, turintis esminį poveikį bendrai Lietuvos ūkio raidai, naujų darbo vietų kūrimui ir socialiniam stabilumui, todėl jo plėtotė yra viena ...
    • Social psychology versus economic reasons as driving forces of youth migration 

      Balkytė, Audronė; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Organization Behaviour and Culture: Globalization and the Changing Environment of Organizations / ed. Mirjana Radović Marković, 2011)
    • Social responsibility, social marketing role, and societal attitudes 

      Smaliukienė, Rasa; Monni, Salvatore (Energy transformation towards sustainability, 2020)
      Social responsibility and social marketing are powerful sources for transforming energy production and its use toward sustainability. This is particularly important as irresponsible energy production and consumption by ...
    • Socialinio-vertybinio aspekto reikšmė energetikos sektoriaus darniam vystymuisi 

      Šliogerienė, Jūratė (Darnus vystymasis: teorija ir praktika = Sustainable development: theory and practice : kolektyvinė monografija, 2014)
      Energetikos sektoriaus aplinkos pokyčiai: aplinkosaugos svarbos suvokimas, išteklių brangimas ir naujų technologijų plėtra yra dėmesio centre politiniame ir visuomeniniame gyvenime. Nors darnios energetikos plėtros ...
    • Software agent finds its way in the changing environment 

      Sokas, Algirdas (Practical applications of agent-based technology, 2012)
      Literature analysis indicates that software agents are used for solving different tasks and that agents are wonderful programming tool for users in the industry and science. The system is modeled by AUML. Presented project ...
    • Soviet era architecture and the meaning it holds for people of Lithuania 

      Nekrošius, Liutauras (Place meaning an attachment. Authenticity, heritage and preservation, 2020)
      Based on the example of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, this chapter aims at analysing the relationship between post-communist society and urban environment implemented in the period of the USSR rule, such as architecture, ...
    • Spectral efficiency for the benefit of CR and coexistence with iterative water-filling 

      Bellanger, Maurice; Anskaitis, Aurimas (Cognitive radio policy and regulation, 2014)
    • Sportas 

      Mačys, Arvydas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Sprache und Kultur im Wandel. Zur Transformationstendenzen der litauischen Grundwerte und Identitat 

      Rudaitienė, Vida; Račienė, Ernesta (Bildungswissenschaften und akademisches Selbstverständnis in einer globalisierten Welt = Education and academic self-concept in the globalized world, 2014)
      The aim of the current paper is to analyze fundamental values transformation trends; to look at the English language as one of the most important factors of globalization and its influence on the Lithuanian language and ...
    • Srautinės statybos organizavimas 

      Mikšta, Pranas (Pastatų konstruktoriaus ir statybininko žinynas, 2009)
    • Stambiaplokščių namų siūlės ir jų taisymas 

      Gajauskas, Julius; Ignatavičius, Česlovas (Pastatų konstruktoriaus ir statybininko žinynas, 2009)