Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • Actualities of post genome era: proteomics and bioinformatics 

      Kulys, Juozas (Research activities : 2002, 2002)
    • Akademikai 

      Kačianauskas, Rimantas; Tamošaitis, Romualdas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Analytic Solutions of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations by Green's Function Method 

      Maknickas, Algirdas; Džiugys, Algis (Theory and applied analysis, 2016)
      The Navier–Stokes equations describe the motion of fluids; they arise from applying Newton’s second law of motion to a continuous function that represents fluid flow. If we apply the assumption that stress in the fluid is ...
    • Applications for ultrascale systems 

      Margenov, Svetozar; Rauber, Thomas; Atanassov, Emanouil; Almeida, Francisco; Blanco, Vicente; Čiegis, Raimondas; Cabrera, Alberto; Frasheri, Neki; Harizanov, Stanislav; Kriauzienė, Rima; Rünger, Gudula; San Segundo, Pablo; Starikovičius, Vadimas; Szabo, Sandor; Zavalnij, Bogdan (Ultrascale computing systems: Poskyris: 6.2. On parallel algorithms for the numerical solution of problems with fractional powers of elliptic operators, 2019)
      The needed reformulation of algorithms and applications from different areas of research toward their usage for ultrascale systems and platforms has to address different challenges that arise from the different application ...
    • Development of watch schedule using rules approach 

      Jurkevičius, Darius; Vasilecas, Olegas (Information Systems Development : Asian Experiences : The 18th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD'2009) Nanchang, China September 16–19, 2009, 2007)
      The software for schedule creation and optimization solves a difficult, important and practical problem. The proposed solution is an online employee portal where administrator users can create and manage watch schedules ...
    • European learning resource exchange:a platform for collaboration of researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and publishers to share digital learning resources and new e-learning practices 

      Kurilov, Jevgenij (Social Development and High Technology Industries: Strategies and Applications, 2012)
      The chapter presents European Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) system and scientific research results used for its development. LRE is a platform for collaboration of researchers, policy- and decision-makers, content ...
    • Fundamentinių mokslų fakultetas 

      Čiučelis, Algirdas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Future school: personalization plus intelligence 

      Kurilov, Jevgenij (Information technology integration for socio-economic development / ed.: Titus Tossy, 2017)
      What learning content, methods and technologies are the most suitable to achieve better learning quality and efficiency? In Lithuania, we believe that there is no correct answer to this question if we don’t apply personalised ...
    • "Gabijos" siela 

      Darbutienė, Rūta; Plakys, Vytautas (Klemensas Griauzdė : 1905-1983 : gyvenimas ir veikla, biografiniai momentai, nuveikti darbai, prisiminimai / Remigijus Songaila, 2001)
    • Heavy traffic limit for the cumulative idle time in multiphase queues 

      Minkevičius, Saulius; Steišūnas, Stasys (Массовое обсуживание : потоки, системы, сети : материалы международной научной конференции "Математические методы повышения эффективности функционирования телекоммуникационных сетей" : 22-24 февраля 2005 г., Минск = Queues : flows, systems, networks : proceedings of the International conference "Mathematicals methods of optimization of telecommunication networks" : 22-24 February, 2005, Minsk. [Вып.] 18, 2005)
      The paper is designated to the analysis of queueing systems, arising in the networks theory and communications theory. This research present heavy traffic limit theorem for the cumulative idle time in multiphase queues.
    • High pulsed magnetic field measurements using phase transition in manganites 

      Novickij, Jurij; Balevičius, Saulius; Žurauskienė, Nerija; Stankevič, Voitech; Šimkevičius, Česlovas; Tolvaišienė, Sonata (MEASUREMENT 2005 : proceedings of the 5th International conference on measurement : Smolenice, Slovakia, May 15 - 19, 2005, 2005)
      The application of thin manganite films exhibiting colossal magnetoresistance phenomenon for pulsed magnetic field measurements is described. Transport properties of polycrystalline and epitaxial La0.33Ca0.67MnO3 films are ...
    • High-order two and three level schemes for solving fractional powers of elliptic operators 

      Čiegis, Raimondas; Vabishchevich, Piotr (Numerical mathematics and advanced applications ENUMATH 2019: European conference, Delft University of Technology, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019, 2021)
      In this paper we develop and investigate numerical algorithms for solving the fractional powers of discrete elliptic operators with Vh a finite element or finite difference approximation space. Our goal is to construct ...
    • In-plane shaped GaAs/AlGaAs modulation-doped structures: physics and applications for THz/subTHz Sensing 

      Ašmontas, Steponas; Juozapavičius, Aušrius; Seliuta, Dalius; Širmulis, Edmundas; Tamošiūnas, Vincas; Valušis, Gintaras (Trends in Semiconductor Research, 2005)
      up to 2.5 THz at room temperature. We consider design's effect on the increase of the sensitivity, and discuss noise properties of the diodes. Applying finite-difference-time modeling within the THz range and a phenomenological ...
    • Investigation of user vulnerability in social networking site 

      Mažeika, Dalius; Mikejan, Jevgenij (Data science: new issues, challenges and applications, 2020)
      The vulnerability of the social network users becomes a social networking problem. A single vulnerable user might place all friends at risk therefore, it is important to know how the security of the social network users ...
    • Keliai ir klystkeliai 

      Čižas, Algirdas Eduardas (Permainų ir iššūkių keliu : Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto profesorių emeritų prisiminimai, 2016)
    • Kritinės grandinės metodikos taikymas projektavimui ir statybai 

      Vasiliauskas, Andrius; Vasiliauskienė, Lina (Pastatų konstruktoriaus ir statybininko žinynas, 2009)
    • Moksliniai tyrimai 

      Juškevičius, Pranciškus; Staškevičius, Juozapas Audvydas; Kačianauskas, Rimantas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Numerical simulation of heat transfer in underground electrical cables 

      Jankevičiūtė, Gerda; Čiegis, Raimondas; Tumanova, Natalija; Bugajev, Andrej (Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2014 : Conference proceedings: European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, 2016)
      The aim of this project is to develop a virtual modelling tool which can be used to construct optimal design of power transmission lines and cables. They should meet the latest power transmission network technical and ...
    • Parallel algorithms for parabolic problems on graphs in neuroscience 

      Tumanova, Natalija; Čiegis, Raimondas (High-performance computing on complex environments, 2014)
      Three parallel numerical algorithms have been developed for solution of parabolic problems on graphs in neuroscience, suitable for structures containing closed loops. This chapter investigates parallel versions of implicit ...
    • Pirmasis universiteto statutas 

      Čižas, Algirdas Eduardas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)