Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Ethical challenges of using video for qualitative research and ethnography: state of the art and prospective guidelines 

      Everri, Marina; Heitmayer, Maximilian; Yamin Slotkus, Paulius; Lahlou, Saadi (Challenges and solutions in ethnographic research: ethnography with a twist, 2021)
      Marina Everri, Maxi Heitmayer, Paulius Yamin, and Saadi Lahlou continue the discussion on the uses of digital technology in ethnography. Their chapter focuses on video-ethnography and qualitative research designs based on ...
    • Influence of distracting factors on the drivers' reaction 

      Bogdanovičius, Zenonas; Zaranka, Jurijus; Pečeliūnas, Robertas (Driver occupational safety. Perception and behaviour : monograph, 2011)
    • Manufacturing and implementation of cork-based composites in aviation 

      Merkys, Bronius; Nugaras, Justas; Karpenko, Mykola; Dubovas, Andrius (Cork in aerospace: Cultivation to application : textbook, 2023)
      It is vital to examine the most significant positive and negative properties of cork-based composites to determine the use of natural cork-based composites in aviation and their rational implementation in the structural ...
    • Strategies for integrating and optimising transport systems 

      Woodcock, Andree; Hoppe, Merja; Tavlaki, Elena; Jaržemskis, Andrius; Georgiadis, Georgio (Designing mobility and transport services: developing traveller experience tools / edited by Mike Tovey, Andree Woodcock, Jane Osmond, 2017)
      Introduction This chapter provides an introduction to transport planning and policy making, before summarising socioeconomic trends that may have an impact on them and identifying innovative solutions to address accessibility ...
    • The impact of the European Union mobility package on the performance of road freight transport companies: a case study of Lithuania 

      Čižiūnienė, Kristina; Viduto, Monika; Zinkevičiūtė, Virgilija (Current issues of the management of socio-economic systems in terms of globalization challenges: Chapter 3. Use of marketing and logistics in the management of socio-economic systems, 2023)
      Mobility package – general rules for carriers working in European Union (EU) countries adopted in 2020. The implementation of this package had to maintain a balance between driver safety and a sustainable economy, while ...
    • Transporto inžinerijos fakultetas 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Dešimt Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto reformos ir kūrybos metų : 1990-2000, 2000)
    • Vision Zero in Lithuania 

      Žuraulis, Vidas; Pumputis, Vidmantas (The Vision Zero handbook. Theory, technology and management for a Zero casualty policy, 2022)
      This chapter covers statistical data and initiatives related to the challenges and achievements of road safety in Lithuania. After providing an overview and an evaluation of previous programs to improve road safety in ...