Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Biological air cleaning using activated wood chips and bark charge 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Zagorskis, Alvydas (Phytoremediation: the green salvation of the world / ed. J.P. Navarro-Avino: Chapter 10, 2009)
      The biological air treatment method is based on the biological destruction using certain cultures of microorganisms. The method is simple and can be applied in many branches of industry. The activated charge consisting of ...
    • Capacities of Pinus Sylvestris, Betula Pendula and Alnus Glutinosa seedlings to extract trace metals from sewage sludge amended soil 

      Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, Edita; Butkus, Donatas (Phytoremediation: the green salvation of the world / ed. J.P Navarro-Avino: Chapter 4, 2009)
      Accumulation of TMs in different type of tree seedlings as well as application of Hung and Muckay model to simulate TMs transport from the soil to tree seedlings are further discussed in the chapter
    • Selection of grass vegetation species resistant to road maintenance salts 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Kazlauskienė, Agnė (Phytoremediation: the green salvation of the world / ed. J.P Navarro-Avino: Chapter 1, 2009)
      To maintain safety during winter, deicing salt (sodium chloride) is sprinkled over roads. Snow mixed with highway salt later is cleared by snowploughs and usually left on roadsides where trees are planted. On conifers, ...
    • Use of grassy plants to decontaminate soil from heavy metals 

      Mikalajūnė, Audronė (Phytoremediation: the green salvation of the world / ed. J.P Navarro-Avino: Chapter 2, 2009)
      Soil contamination with heavy metals is a problem of worldwide concern that is still unsolved. Phytoremediation is a new and prospective technology that applies plants for cleaning lightly contaminated soil. Three kinds ...