Dabar rodomi įrašai 1-20 iš 1402

      "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" (RelStat'11), 19-22 October 2011, Riga, Latvia: abstracts of the 11th international conference [7]
      "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" (RelStat-10), 20-23 October 2010, Riga, Latvia: abstracts of the 10th international conference / Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Kh. Kordonsky Charitable Foundation (USA), Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, Latvian Academy of Science, Latvian Operations Research Society [2]
      "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" (RelStat-10), 20-23 October 2010, Riga, Latvia: abstracts of the 10th international conference /Kh. Kordonsky Charitable Foundation (USA), Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, Latvian Academy of Science, Latvian ORS [1]
      "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" (RelStat-10), 20-23 October 2010, Riga, Latvia: abstracts of the 10th international conference/ Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Kh. Kordonsky Charitable Foundation (USA), Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, Latvian Academy of Science, Latvian Operations Research Society [1]
      "Understanding biochar mechanisms for practical implementation" : Final meeting EU-COST action "Biochar" and 76 Symposium des ANS e.V., 28th-30th September, 2015, Hochschule Geisenheim university : [abstracts] / B. Glaser, C. Kammann, A. Loewen (Hrsg.) [1]
      "Žemaitijos regiono plėtros problemos" : konferencijos straipsnių rinkinys, 2003 m., Rietavas / Žemaitijos kolegija [1]
      "Потенциал науки - развитию промышленности, экономики, культуры, личности" : программа международной научно-технической конференции, 5-8 февраля 2002 г. Минск : рефераты докладов. Том. 2 [2]
      (At)koduota istorija architektūroje : tarptautinė tarpdisciplininė mokslinė konferencija Vilnius-Dubingiai, 2016 m. gegužės 12-14 d. : pranešimų santraukos = (De)coded history in architecture : international interdisciplinary scientific conference Vilnius-Dubingiai (Lithuania), 12-14 May 2016 : abstracts [1]
      (At)koduota istorija architektūroje : tarptautinė tarpdisciplininė mokslinė konferencija, Vilnius-Dubingiai, 2016 m. gegužės 12-14 d. : pranešimų santraukos = (De)coded history in architecture : international interdisciplinary scientific conference, Vilnius-Dubingiai (Lithuania), 12-14 May 2016 : abstracts [1]
      10th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2017, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania [1]
      10th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis and Second International Conference Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, June 1-5, 2005 Trakai, Lithuania : abstracts [20]
      10th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM 2014). 7-10 July 2014, Opole, Poland : abstracts [7]
      10th international conference of Lithuanian chemists "Chemistry 2011", dedicated to the international year of chemistry 2011 : abstracts : Vilnius, October 14-15, 2011 [1]
      10th International Conference of Lithuanian Chemists "Chemistry 2011", dedicated to the international year of chemistry 2011 : abstracts. Vilnius, 14-15 October, 2011 [1]
      10th International Symposium on Peroxidases, OxiZymes in Marseille, France, 16-19 September 2012 : program and book of abstracts [1]
      10th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics : abstracts of communications, 28th June - 2nd July, 2010 / International Statistical Institute [1]
      10th International workshop on SECM and related techniques, Paris-Fontainebleau, France, 29th September - 3rd October : program and book of abstracts [1]
      10th World congress of chemical engineering. 11th European congress of chemical engineering. 4th European congress of applied biotechnology : Barcelona, Spain, 1st-5th October, 2017 : abstract book / European Federation of Chemical Engineering [1]
      11 th International Conference of Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting ACEX 2017, 3-6 July, Vienna, Austria : abstract book [1]
      11 th International Conference of Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACEX 2017, 3-6 July, Vienna, Austria : abstract book [1]