Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Artificial channels of easy vortex motion in YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconducting thin-film bridges 

      Jukna, Artūras; Barboy, I.; Jung, G.; Abrutis, Adulfas; Li, X.; Wang, D.; Sobolewski, Roman (13th International symposium on ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors : abstracts : 26-29 August, 2007 Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007)
    • Characterization of carbon nanostructures through THz spectroscopy 

      Chen, Genyu; Shrestha, R.; Koroliov, A.; Jukna, Artūras; Amori, A.; Krauss, T.; Staniszewski, Z.; Fray, El; Laszcz, A.; Czerwinski, A.; Richter, M.C.; Sobolewski, Roman (Proceedings of the 40th annual EDS/CAS Activities in Western New York conference, November 4, 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY : [abstract], 2016)
    • Magnetinių sūkurių koherentinio judėjimo deguonimi nuskurdintu YBCO dariniu tyrimai. 

      Jukna, Artūras; Sobolewski, Roman (44-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, 2021 m. spalio 6 - 8 d., Vilnius : programa ir pranešimų tezės, 2021)
      II-osios rūšies superlaidininkuose superlaidusis virsmas lydimas mišriosios medžiagos fazės. Joje gali koegzistuoti superlaidi ir nesuperlaidi (t. y. normali) medžiagos fazės, nors medžiagos temperatūra žemesnė nei kritinė ...
    • THz time-domain spectroscopy characterization of carbon nanostructures 

      Chen, Genyu; Shrestha, Rabi; Jukna, Artūras; Koroliov, Anton; Richter, Christiaan; Sobolewski, Roman (EDISON20. The 20th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductos, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures, Buffalo, NY/July 16-21, 2017, 2017)
      Carbon nanotubes and graphene show potential in commercial application due to their extreme mechanical, and electrical properties. This work deals with analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT with a chiral index ...
    • Ulta-high optical responsivity of semiconducting asymmetric nano-chennel diodes 

      Akbas, Y.; Jukna, Artūras; Zhang, L.Q.; Alimi, Y.; Song, A.M.; Iniguez-de-la-Torre, I.; Mateos, J.; Gonzalez, T.; Plecenik, T.; Durina, P.; Plecenik, A.; Wicks, G.; Sobolewski, Roman (Proceedings of the 40th annual EDS/CAS Activities in Western New York conference, November 4, 2016, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY : [abstract], 2016)