• A thermodynamic investigation of pentanethiol pyrolysis reaction 

      Birmantas, Jonas; Laukaitis, Antanas; Blynas, Juozas Justinas (Chemija, 2002)
      The most reliable pentanethiol pyrolysis reaction product formation probabilities were investigated when hydrogen sulfide , lower molecular mass thiols and sulfur were evolved. It was found that up to 850 K the most reliable ...
    • About the 51st meeting 

      Pranevičius, Henrikas; Sakalauskas, Leonidas; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras; Kaklauskas, Artūras (Newsletter of the European Working Group "Multicriteria Aid for Decisions", 2000)
    • Academician Aleksandras Čyras as the pioneer of optimizational structural mechanics in Lithuania 

      Atkočiūnas, Juozas; Krutinis, Antanas (Statyba = Civil engineering, 1997)
      Straipsnyje pateikiama akademiko Aleksandro Čyro (g. 1927 03 15 Merkinėje) mokslinės, kūrybinės ir pedagoginės veiklos apžvalga. A. Čyras 1950 m. baigė Kauno Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Statybos fakultetą. 1954 ir 1965 ...
    • Accelerating early strength development of concrete using metakaolin as an admixture 

      Bai, Jiping; Wild, Stan; Gailius, Albinas (Medžiagotyra, 2004)
      A study of metakaolin (MK) as an early strenght accelerator for Portland cement (PC) and Portland Cement-Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) concrete (PC-PFA) has been carried out. This paper reports strenght development, particularly ...
    • Accuracy analysis of design methods for concrete beams reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer bars 

      Timinskas, Edgaras; Jakštaitė, Rūta; Gribniak, Viktor; Tamulėnas, Vytautas; Kaklauskas, Gintaris (Engineering structures and technologies = Statybinės konstrukcijos ir technologijos, 2013)
      Traditional steel reinforcement does not resist corrosion and its resources are limited; therefore, carbon, glass, aramid and basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars were developed. The composite reinforcement has a high ...
    • Adaptive finite element analysis for solution of complex engineering problems 

      Vasiliauskienė, Lina; Valentinavičius, Saulius; Šapalas, Antanas (WSEAS transactions on applied and theoretical mechanics, 2006)
      In this article authors present a simple strategy for displacement solution calculation near geometrical singularity points. Solution improvement in singularities is achieved modifying physical coordinate matrix used in ...
    • Affect-based, multimodal, video tutoring system for a neuromarketing 

      Kaklauskas, Artūras; Ubartė, Ieva; Bučinskas, Vytautas; Skirmantas, Darius; Raupys, Dainius (MATTER: International journal of science and technology, 2020)
      Considerable research has been conducted globally showinghow study results are substantially conditional to the interest and productivity of a learner in the studies and the emotions and stress the learner experiences. ...
    • Ageing models and accelerated ageing tests of glass fiber reinforced concrete 

      Moceikis, Rimvydas; Kičaitė, Asta; Skripkiūnas, Gintautas; Korjakins, Aleksandrs (Engineering structures and technologies, 2018)
      Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) is used for 40 years to create world’s most stunning and complex architectural elements due to its high mechanical properties, particularly flexural strength. Yet it is very important ...
    • Ageing of fire coatings 

      Grigonis, Mindaugas; Mačiulaitis, Romualdas; Praniauskas, Vladas (International review of civil engineering (IRECE), 2012)
      Research of how atmospheric factors influence properties of fire coatings designed for protection of steel and wooden structures from flame was conducted. Experimental research carried out with fire coatings was reviewed. ...
    • Akademikas Aleksandras Čyras - moderniosios statybinės mechanikos pagrindėjas 

      Atkočiūnas, Juozas; Krutinis, Antanas (Mechanika, 1996)
    • Aktuali monografija 

      Mačiulaitis, Romualdas; Papinigis, Vytautas (Statyba = Civil engineering, 1999)
    • Aktyvių mokymo metodų taikymas statybos marketingo pratybose 

      Mitkus, Sigitas (Racionalių variantų parinkimas ūkiniuose sprendimuose = Selection of rational variants in economic decision = Auswahl von Rationellen Entscheidungsvarianten in Wirtschaf, 1996)
      The article deals with applying of active teaching methods in construction marketing practical training, describes using of those methods in marketing research, analysing advertisements and preparing of marketing plans ...
    • Akytojo betono atsparumo šalčiui, taikant skirtingas bandymų metodikas, vertinimas 

      Mačiulaitis, Romualdas; Nagrockienė, Džigita (Statyba, 2001)
      The article presents results of the comparative investigations into porous concrete specimens resistance to freezing (one-sided and volumetric). It has been determined that there is not any linear relation between the ...
    • Akytojo betono eksploatacinių savybių tyrimai 

      Sinica, Marijonas; Sezeman, Georgij Arsenij; Laukaitis, Antanas; Česnauskas, Vytautas (Cheminė technologija, 2005)
      Straipsnyje tiriamos UAB „Matuizų dujų silikato“ gamybos autoklavinio akytojo betono (AAC) savybės, įvertinant pasikeitimus EN standartuose bei AAC struktūros ypatumus. Ištirta, kad smulkiagrūdė, uždarų porų 400–600 kg/m3 ...
    • Aleksandras Čyras and optimization in structural mechanics 

      Atkočiūnas, Juozas; Čižas, Algirdas Eduardas (Journal of civil engineering and management, 2002)
      The study describes how in Lithuania (mostly in Vilnius) during some past decades a new trend of investigations in structural mechanics thanks to Aleksandras Čyras’ (1927-2001) research and organisational activities has ...
    • Aleksandras Čyras. Akademikas (1927 - 2001) 

      Atkočiūnas, Juozas (Mechanika, 2001)
    • Alternatyvų vertinimas neapibrėžtumo sąlygomis 

      Gaučas, Paulius; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras (Statyba, 2001)
      Task of decisions-making in constructing industry becomes more difficult. Expression 'trying to reach maximum effect with minimum expense", means making decision by two aims. But brought up aims often contradict each other. ...
    • Alternatyvų vertinimo būdai TOPSIS metodu, esant neapibrėžtumui 

      Antuchevičienė, Jurgita (Ūkio technologinis ir ekonominis vystymas, 2005)
      Straipsnyje nagrinėjama daugiatikslių sprendimų priėmimo (MADM) problema esant neapibrėžtumui. Kai kuriais atvejais tradiciniai metodai nėra tinkami realioms situacijoms modeliuoti. Dėl šios priežasties mokslinėje praktikoje ...
    • An analysis of factors for the selection of a technical solution version in thermal renovation of buildings 

      Parasonis, Josifas; Ambrasas, Gintautas (Statyba = Building construction, 1995)
      Susistemintai nagrinėjamas šiluminės renovacijos techninio sprendimo varianto parinkimas. Renovacijos procesas analizuojamas keturiose stadijose: tikslų-projektavimo-statybos-eksploatacios. Šiluminės renovacijos varianto ...